Im 8 weeks pregnant and I’m worried I’m taking too many medications and my baby’s health will be affected. My Dr has okayed them all and said they will most likely be fine, but I can’t help worry that taking lots of medication will make my baby poorly or even cause miscarriage etc. I take 2 tablets that are my normal ones plus 1 new one to help with headaches, 1 new one to help with sickness and 1 folic acid. Has anyone had any experience with having health problems and taking medication and their babies been fine? Would just put my mind at ease. Thanks x
Medication: Im 8 weeks pregnant and I’m... - Pregnancy and Par...
If your taking your medication with the support and advice of your doctor then I’m sure everything will be absolutely fine. Lots of women need to take specific medications throughout pregnancy (epilepsy medications or whatever) because they have no choice and everything comes with a certain amount of risk no matter what. Just follow the advice of your doctor and midwife and I’m sure all will be well xx
If your doctor says it's ok for you to take your medicines while pregnant then it probably is. You have to weigh up the cost to you and baby when giving up medication whilst pregnant. I'm asthmatic and had to take inhalers throughout my pregnancy. My doctor told me they shouldn't have an effect on my baby and it would be worse for my baby if my asthma wasn't controlled.
Can you find all the drugs here? This should help put your mind at ease or open the conversation with your doctor. luck
Like you it was one of the first things I checked with my GP when I found out I was pregnant. I'm on 10-20mg per day of amitriptylene to manage jaw clenching and neck/shoulder tension and pain. For me it's been a miracle drug and helps me sleep and be more relaxed - before I started taking it I swear I didn't dream!!
Anyway, the GP put my anxiety at ease. The issues with most drugs are that it would be unethical to test on pregnant women so evidence is based on prior incidents and issues collected over time. A lot of the drug companies just don't want to get sued so even where there's no evidence to suggest issues, because they can't test it they advise caution. It all comes down to weighing up the benefits to mother vs risks. In this case "no evidence" felt like a low risk compared to me not sleeping and constantly feeling like a scrunched up bit of paper, which would also affect my mental health.
Hopefully this is the kind of conversation your GP had with you? It really did put my mind at rest. I'm now 13+3 and saw my baby wriggling about at our scan on Friday. I'm not overly worried and I hope your mind can be put at ease. Good luck with everything ❤️