So following a bout of pneumonia, for 5 years I've had pains, low mood, fatigue and IBS. Dr pushed me to go on anti depressants citing depression as the cause. After 3 years I moved home and dr. I told my new dr I wanted off the meds and explained my initial symptoms. He did blood tests (something my previous dr never did) and I was told I had practically no vit D , muscle enzyme was raised and abnormal liver function test. They have repeated the tests 3 times and put me in vit k. My results have been really up and down. I have been waiting to see rheumatology since Oct (I had an app for but they cancelled it due to a more urgent case needing it!) Anyway recently I feel I have deteriorated. I cleaned my house Wednesday and was basically wiped out for 3 days. My muscles In my chest have been tightening lately and I find myself taking deep breaths and it hurts. I have muscle weakness in my arms and pain in my shoulders and ankles (left ankle is continually swollen and some days I can barely put weight on it) and my neck feels like I have whip lash.
I don't have a diagnosis yet and prob wont for a while so I'm not sure if I should be here but as my gP has suggested this could be a diagnosis along with fibro I thought I may as well find out as much info as I can.
Hope you don't mind me popping by and saying hi