Hi everyone,
I've been lurking this forum for some time and thought I'd share my story.
I am a 35 year old male; around 5 years ago I noticed muscle loss in my quadriceps and neck. I was worried and saw a neurologist. Various tests have been done.
MRIs - All came back normal.
EMGs - All came back normal (this led me to realise the problem is muscular and not nerves).
Extensive blood work including all the markers for myocytis - All came back normal.
My current situation is I continue to loose muscle in neck and quadriceps. Cycling is difficult and when I climb lots of stairs or do too much cardiovascular exercise my quadriceps sometimes cramp up.
The next time I see my neurologist I know he will recommend a muscle biopsy which I am reluctant to do as I heard it can be quite painful.
The only positive to all of this is whatever I have it is slow acting. I'm getting worse but it's at a slow pace at least.
From all the treatments I've researched I could take methotrexate or get plasma infusions. Apart from that I was thinking as I am male I could consider anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass which which buy me some more time.
Any thoughts about what is going on with me?
Many thanks for reading.