Dear Peeps hope the weekend fairs better than the previous one. i woke up and felt pain so i knew i was alive. Deep breaths and the lungs are socks on...i did my exercises by bending to get them....ok this points out that count everything EVERYTHING with these disabilities as a plus(while in the mood).....because its not always the case. Friday comes so soon. Why when older does it seem to roll faster? here is a high school poem a dear friend wrote for me.. In Days of Old When Knights were Bold..and Hankies Not Invented....They Blew Thier Nose On Thier Underclothes...and Went Away Contented. jj have a better day.
MS Cardio and ITS FRIDAY AGAIN! - My MSAA Community

I haven't heard that poem since I was in high school, thank you for the memories & a good lol. 1 question please why is it that I remember being a teenager& thinking I would be happier when I got older....? lol
Oh its an age before reality started to bite us...also i think the feel good hormones were bonkers so positivity of potentials we saw many older people(like age 30..hahaha) looking so good! I will be 69 on the mentor is 96 , my mom.m a spring chicken..😆
Keep doing whatever exercise that you can do. Most especially when you have doubts. I have ppms and it's my personal belief that giving in to those doubts is the beginning of the end and I love life to even give one inch to those doubts. But what do I know except what's working for me. Never stop fighting because the fight is for survival 💪

Have a better day as well, jackiesj 🤗
Thank you