it came! Finally you guys! Any tips are appreciated! That packet they sent is way too long! I don’t feel like reading a book! Lol
Mavenclad!: it came! Finally you guys... - My MSAA Community

Oh, congratulations! I bet you're doing a happy dance around the house now, at least mentally. I hope it works well for you.
That's fabulous news! About time!!! Hope it works wonders for you! 🤗
Not my dog but hopefully equally celebratory 😎 I found a video on YouTube called Mavenclad: taking my first dosage. Perhaps that or something similar would help.
I just got my 2nd month delivered and I start taking it Friday. The only thing I can tell you is stay hydrated like drink a lot of water so you can avoid some nasty side effects.
Yay! You waited a long time for it. I hope it works well for you.
I think the long packet is more of a legal requirement to cover their butts. They don't really expect you to read it. 😁
Did they tell you that you can hold the blister pack (I yanked it all the way out of the box, even though it's not designed to do that) over a glass and drop it directly from the package into the glass. Then you just dump it into your mouth like you're drinking water, then follow that with actual water to get it down.
I see you got the bright yellow bag saying hazardous drugs! It's not very reassuring if you don't know why, but it's nothing to worry about if you don't touch the pills and drink tons of water.
Here's a link to my long Mavenclad post if you want to read it. The only thing is I wrote about pressure in my head and feeling lightheaded. This started at the same time as Mavenclad, but has outlasted it, and I am now sure those lovely symptoms were from my neck issues, not the Mavenclad.
I will be thinking about you. Good luck! ❤️
So happy for you Xvettech! Let us know how it goes for you! 😊
Hooray! 🎉
I had the best results when I took it after an early dinner, and went to bed an hour early. This still allowed time for bedtime meds, and my magnesium supplement.
I used scissors to open the first year, but the second was easier to pop out. Since my fingers were tricky then, I wore gloves the first year also, and plopped the pill into water in my mouth before swallowing, and chased with one glass of water.
The next morning, I had an electrolyte replacement drink.
Like Pediasure? That’s actually a great idea! Thank you
Any of them should work! I prefer LMNT or Prime hydration since they taste better. Coconut water and broth would also work.
You're welcome! Let us know how it goes!
Xvettech So happy it finally arrived for you! Please keep us updated on how it works for you!

Hurrah, Xvettech , let the happy dance begin! 🥳
it's something i make myself sit down and really read, especially for the tablets that begin with a similar heading to: "this medication has serious side effects, but your doctor thinks you're so sick, the side effects won't even touch your symptoms, so take it," lmao. good luck!🤗