During my MS journey, I have made a point of doing the best I can to manage, maintain and control a reasonable healthy environment for me and my family. We cherish the good days and the times when we feel up to outings; in other words “enjoying life.” Music 🎶 is my elixir to those difficult days; you know when every muscle hurts. Jazz, great vocals and my favorite candle does wonders.❤️ So you can imagine how hyped I am to be going to see Stevie Wonder during his limited tour. What I didn’t anticipate was the “Cowgirl” boots with a nice flat sturdy heel/sole to smell like a toxic chemical lab! I ordered the boots online vetted vendor, and the boots had a white tag that said: “warning Proposition 65”! Seriously, carcinogenic materials and a warning if pregnant or planning on pregnancy. I don’t care if I’m a grandma/Mi Mi how dare this manufacturer. Yes, they’re going back and secured in the box in a well ventilated area. Companies take people’s health for granted and are reckless. The store is Boot Barn in case you’re wondering. Google Proposition 65 at your leisure. Blessings and Peace. NeeC
Dangerously Pretty!: During my MS journey... - My MSAA Community
Dangerously Pretty!

wow that is terrible ..sorry for the let down and not being able to enjoy those beauties...
That's nuts. I'm glad you're sending them back.
I once ordered a sweater from VS -I'd tell ya but it's"secret" -that smelled like buffalo dipped in RAID. Had to send that back. The chems they to use to make and treat things are unbelievable-medicines too.🥵
That concert will be awesome! Have fun!
both of you girls are lucky it didn't make you sick as soon as it came to you ...have to be so careful ...be safe ....life is too short the way it is let alone these bad people that don't care what they are doing just as they make money...we can't deal with these type of people but of course we don't know them till you order something from them ...our MS monsters are bad enough ,don't need any more ...sorry this has happened to you ...love and much happiness for both of you and your families and friends ...
Wow! Yes, send them back, and thanks for the warning.Stevie Wonder!! 🥰
Sorry for that experience! I hope you enjoy Stevie Wonder.
I've been reading about how nonstick pans can cause cancer (from the Environmental Working Group). I guess I need to start looking for some stainless steel ones and find out how to get food off of them. ☹️ These forever chemicals are in everything, even makeup, because the machines that mix the makeup are coated in Teflon - more forever chemicals that never break down in the environment. I wonder why companies are allowed to manufacture chemicals that literally never go away, and put them in products where people are basically slowly poisoned by them?
Yes, toss your nonstick pans! I finally got rid of mine this year (besides one or else my husband would riot, lol). I’m using mostly cast iron which I love! Try using a pot scraper. They work great to clean stuck on food, stainless and cast iron ☺️
I've thought about it. My son even let me clean his cast iron and it wasn't bad. The problem is that I can't lift them! I was recently sent to a neurosurgeon for spinal stenosis in my neck - all my doctors thought it was fine except one, but he was a pretty prominent one, so my pain doctor told me I'd better listen. So the appointment finally rolls around and the surgeon comes in and starts talking a mile a minute about how I don't need surgery yet, but if I don't do PT, I will...it took me a couple of minutes to realize he was talking about a completely different problem. Apparently I have bone spurs putting pressure on my nerve roots on both sides in my lower neck. It was in all my MRI reports, but since I wasn't complaining about pain, nobody paid any attention. So maybe after PT I can handle a cast iron skillet? 😅
Yikes! Yes, they can be heavy! The smaller ones aren’t too bad, but I have a Dutch oven that is so heavy. My husband will usually clean it for me 😆. Stainless steel is a great option too.
I've been thinking about stainless. I could start asking for pieces for Christmas, etc., so my hubby doesn't get too offended by throwing perfectly "good" pans away. But a good cast iron skillet sounds really nice for searing and frying. Plus, if I can lift it, it would be good workout, and could also be used for home protection. 😂
Many non-stick pans are available that do not have the problem chemicals in the non-stick surface. You just need to look a bit further and find out a bit more before regarding all non-stick pans in the same light.
You may be right, but the Environmental Working Group says that if one chemical gets a bad rap, the manufacturers will just tweak a molecule or two and say it's safe. We have brands sold here that are made with enamel coatings that are supposed to be safe, but you're not supposed to use them for high heat, and my husband (who gets credit for cooking!) insists that he needs to use high heat. Hence my dilemma.
music is my peace too :). I hope you enjoy the concert! Wow about those boots! And falalalala wow about the sweater!
that’s crazy! How ridiculous of them. Thank you for sharing
Have fun at the concert!
Wow-enjoy Stevie Wonder. That’s awesome!! Maybe in your most comfortable sneakers?
So many things reek like this now 😞 Goods from some places have no regulations for toxic substances. Enjoy the music!
Bummer about the boots, but Stevie Wonder in concert will be amazing!
That's wonderful about the concert! Sorry about the boots. I am sure you find something else to wear Let us know how the concert was!
Sorry about the boots. I hate it when I get stuff online and it smells like it was washed in formaldehyde or something 😢 but I’ve got to admit I’m pretty jealous. He may be 74 but he’s still making incredible music ☺️ Maybe post an update after the concert so we can hear about how awesome it was!
Have a great time at the concert! I saw him years ago and Chaka Khan was the first act. Stevie was amazing!