hello, so glad to have found you! I have been trying to deal with this diagnosis myself due to my doctor saying “get over yourself, you’re disease is not life threatening “….. anyway I seem to have extreme eye issues but when I go to eye dr they say my vision is fine! Very frustrating
eye issue : hello, so glad to have found... - My MSAA Community
eye issue
hi! Very frustrating! I’m sorry! If a dr ever spoke to me like that he’d get punched in the nose. lol. Some “colorful” words at least lol. I’m sorry for what you deal with! I have noticed that our problems always aren’t as active We have to go to drs when they are present. At least for me anyways. I hope you get some help and relief soon.
My MS was diagnosed by a neuro opthamologist at a nearby university hospital because I had optic neuritis. They gave me eye tests all day long. I am convinced that they only let us eat lunch because the dilation drops needed time to work. Also, I spent some time in an MRI machine. My point is that there are tons of tests that can be done. It sounds like your eye doctor doesn't have the knowledge or experience to help you, and there are people who do. See a neuro opthamologist.
I am so sorry this is happening to you. Have you seen an opthamologist?
Greetings Hjgarden. Sorry you were told that. That doesn't minimize your chronic disease. The main thing is to get your mental right for the battle. This is something that has no cure. The eye problem could be neuritis trying to flare up. An opthalmologist for this as opposed to an optometrist would be better. Stay MS strong!
I had to see an ophthalmologist to get proper eye evaluations for MS damage.
It is very frustrating when the doctors all tell you 'you are fine' when you know you are not! 🧡
When I first replied, I didn't grasp that you were new to the group. I just wanted to say hello and welcome, and that I'm so glad that you found us! I hope that we'll be hearing more from you. 😊
Welcome to the group It sounds like you need an MS neurologist and a neuro - opthamologist
Welcome! I echo the sentiments expressed by others. Keep visiting us and represent yourself in your medical journey, because the doctors don’t always know what’s best for YOU!
What a rude doctor! Feel free to fire them when they are rude like that, and tell them why! I did that to my last GP and love who I have now.
A doctor said to get over yourself?? Are you newly diagnosed? What an ass. ('cuse my language). I don't think I would darken his door again.
If you are new to this, you need time to "grieve" the person you always thought you would be. It is life changing. There were tons of tears here for a few months.
A month before I even STARTED having M. S. symptoms, an optometrist looked at me funny & she said, "You haven't been diagnosed with M. S.?" Guess she saw something on my optic nerve. It sounds like you need a new neuro & a new optometrist. Best wishes to you!
Yes I hate to say it’s true but she did say that, my husband was with me and heard it too. Thankfully she has moved so I don’t see her. Another doctor was very similar. I started questioning my sanity!!! Now I go to an MS clinic but the support still is minimal. I was diagnosed in 2022. I have learned everything via books…..
I understand learning on your own. Dr. Aaron Boster's videos on YouTube were a Godsend. He is wonderful.The folks on the forum recommended this free online course from Australia. Here is the link:
If the link doesn't work, Google university of Tazmania free online multiple sclerosis class. The next class starts in September. It takes a couple of hours a week for 6 weeks. I learned a lot. Best wishes to you!!
Your concerns need to be heard and addressed. Eye or MS SPECIALIST. KEEP NOTES ON YOUR SYMPTOMS AND DOCTOR NOTES! Please keep your medical determination and research on what you found*I hope you care you need. Gaslighting is when a doctor says “You are fine” continue your concerns until you get results. With you as another ADVOCATE. 🕊️