Hello. I have MS for over 20 years. Medication has helped my symptoms. I recently fell and broke my left forearm. Had surgery and therapy. I feel awkward depending on people who want to help. This too shall pass but need to keep myself busy. I am unable to drive until my occupational therapist tells me I am safe to drive. I am taking on line class to keep my mind busy but at times I feel overwhelmed. Any suggestions?
Suggestion : Hello. I have MS for over 2... - My MSAA Community

So sorry to hear you broke your arm, I hope you have a speedy recovery!
I do a lot of reading on my Kindle and listening to books on Audible when I'm doing things that keep my hands busy but not my mind, like crocheting. I play video games on my computer, journal, took up meditation using the Headspace App (so worth the sub fee!), and watch shows on Netflix and a few other places. I also do a lot of web surfing for fun. When I feel like I need something really low key and relaxing, I color in coloring books for grown ups. They even have coloring books for people with chronic illnesses!
A lot of suggestions came up when I did an Amazon search for: 'coloring books for people with chronic illnesses'. I may have to purchase one, thanks for the suggestion MSFlea
You are welcome! I think it is awesome that there are so many out there 😀Hope you find one you enjoy. I've found for smaller coloring pages with lots of detail, coloring gel pens (not the ones for writing) are awesome! I like markers and gel pens a lot, but have a huge thing of color pencils as well. It's something fun to do while I listen to a podcast or audio book. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Mindless computer games that only require one hand on the mouse. I don't know if I'm allowed to post this (sorry, Mods!), but Big Fish Games lets you download any game on their site and play it for exactly one hour (real time) for free. They do have a membership option if you decide that you want to buy some of them, but all of the games are guaranteed to be virus-free and are easy enough to delete if you don't like them. I've used them for years. It can be very relaxing to match marble colors or shoot cartoon pirates with crossbows.
Since you're interested in online education, I saw recently that MIT is offering a variety of free courses, but I have no idea what's involved. Our state college extension office also offers free or discounted online classes at various times of the year.

What is overwhelming you? Is it cognitively or doing to much? I know that my mind will wander and I have to bring it to focus on what I'm doing... and I write things down! 🤗💕🌠
What overwhelms me is that I no longer am independent. I have to stop my routine and start a new one so I can complete as much as I can. I miss cooking as I have meals delivered. I do ask for someone to come cook for me when I have a craving. I will start writing things down and cross off completed things. Thank you. 😊
Hi, I'm so sorry you broke your arm and are reluctant to ask for help. I think we all feel like that at times. As far as not being able to drive, you might have other options. Sometimes I take Uber to doctor appointments or other places. It can be a little expensive, but isn't so bad if you don't have to go far. Also, your county or town may have a rideshare service available, especially if you are a senior or can qualify as being disabled. Sometimes they are open to everyone. They can be inexpensive or even free. Hope you have a quick recovery. 😊
I have found transportation to take me to doctors appointments and back. It is still difficult as I use a walker and I have to wait at corner to be picked up. This is less expensive than Uber. I am attempting to ask for help but it is still kind of awkward to me. I need to change my thinking because people are willing to help and I need to be thankful. Thank you for your well wishes.🙂😊
If I may, I'd like to pass on something I once learned from my therapist. When I told her I felt awkward asking for help, she told me that people love to feel helpful and helping someone in need makes people happy. She said that by not asking for help, I was depriving someone from doing a good deed. That changed my whole outlook. And once I did start asking for help, I realized that people would smile and seem really happy to lend a hand! I made people happy by asking for help! It's a superpower!
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. 🤗
I can certainly sympathize with you. I broke my left forearm, right below the elbow, back in 2016. This was shortly before I was diagnosed with "you definitely have MS". I was looked at by a doctor but he didn't order any xrays, cause he thought I was just overreacting and only had a booboo. Told me that if it was still bothering me in a week to get it xrayed. It only took me three weeks to get an appointment for an x-ray. Then the doctor said "Oh. Hey. You broke your arm." My snarky response "Thanks a lot genius. I already figured that out with out the x-ray." No surgery, just a splint and a sling for the next 3 months.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. I still had to go to work, so boredom was kept to a minimum. But I did enlist the help from lots of co-workers to carry stuff for me.
As for stuff to do to keep boredom at bay, I can't think of anything that others haven't already mentioned.