Remember, y'all, that I am 80 (that is, a whole lot older than the rest of you): I got Moderna's second done yesterday around noon. Immediate reaction was a sore arm and eyes that hurt with every movement but I managed to drive home without running into a ditch. It helped that between home and the vaccine site there was only one stop sign in either direction. I staggered around in the afternoon, went to bed before it was dark and slept for 11 hours...and today am so lethargic and limp that I find all movement difficult. My arm is a lead weight and my eyes still hurt to blink. I know this all means my immune system (thank you, busy T and B cells) is on high alert because the vaccine is working as intended (those busy cells learned to recognize the virus shape after the first lesson) but today is a total loss. I won't accomplish anything at all. But it's only a day and SO much better than falling victim to the virus and SO VERY much better than dying. However, I will be extremely pleased when this response fades. I've got gardening to do and want to be doing. Today, however, I'll be lucky to get my teeth brushed!
I'm glad I got the second dose but... - My MSAA Community
I'm glad I got the second dose but...

Hey there goatgal Get well soon! Glad you did it on a saturday.
I hope this strong reaction to 2nd shot is short lived and you start to feel better soon. Rest and ask for help if needed.
good luck my dear sis, remember to brush up and down do not press too hard, and floss first
Woohoo for a good response! My mom is 70 and only had a sore arm...I hope she will have some protection. I’m glad you made it home safely and your experience might warn others who have a longer drive to take a friend just in case. Tomorrow will be better!
Thank you, dear. I'm sure I will have more energy tomorrow; my arm is already less sore. I've made sure to keep using it and stayed hydrated because the garden is calling!
Feel better soon!
Wow, what a reaction, you must have a good immunity system. Take care and rest up, the garden will be there tomorrow 🤗
Thank you dear jimeka. I've always, even before MS, joked that my immune system is on high alert, always on defense; because I rarely catch whatever is going around. When I taught primary grade, no matter how many viruses were circulating among the little ones and my colleagues, I sailed through, unaffected. When my husband caught one of the 'flu viruses in the late 60s and was down for a week, I didn't catch it. That's the good news. The downside to my immune system is a strong reaction to aerosols, pollens, cleaning and beauty products. I'll hold back taking compost to the garden beds today, but I will putter around a bit (maybe deadhead the daffodils) because that will keep me cheerful.
Get some rest & feel better soon!
Praying all get better soon. God bless!
Sorry you had such a reaction. I got the Moderna shot 1 and got a sore arm day2, and originally thought not related, a fever, short lived, a half day but with chills/shakes, one week one day post shot. I've since heard of others whose doctors confirmed seeing several patients with delayed fevers. Some with fevers that lasted from shot 1 to shot 2. Anyway, my shot 2, sore arm the next morning, gone by afternoon. Now day 3 post shot 2, still waiting for the big reaction? Hope not. Either way, so glad to be vaccinated. Marked my calendar for 2 weeks post 2nd shot, for when considered fully vaccinated, till booster time, when developed. Will still mask myself, hand sanitize/wash hands, and social distance (but a little less with other fully vaccinated), and not be so worried about Covid-19, even though it's not just going away, and cases are rising again all around, including where I live. I'm vaccinated, and will stay vigilant, and if I slip up, and let it get me, at least I can assume it won't be a major to do, unlike if not vaccinated. Not vaccinated Covid-19 and it's variants, well that's life or wish you were dead. So, if shot 2 eventually comes with, even worse that my DMT years of flu-like symptoms, It's Worth It! Grin and bear it, and look at what you've just gotten. Survival! No additional M.S. like significant additional neurological, heart, or other symptoms from Covid-19, though also for life. Hang in there, and look at it as, I'm Beating Covid-19!!!! I fight M.S. everyday, this one I can beat!
I wasn't complaining because I try not to do that. I did want to share because these mRNA vaccines are so new. Among my age peers there have been a multitude of quirky reactions: fevers, rashes, itching, stiff muscles. Like you, I was eager to be vaccinated but will continue to mask, wash my hands, and keep hand sanitizer in the car. Until the end of the pandemic, I'll avoid crowds and indoor dining though I will relax a bit with those I know to be vaccinated and careful. I would much rather feel unwell for a day or two than be hospitalized with anything. I've read reports of those who had and recovered from COVID but months later exhibit signs of organ damage and some possible permanent disability. I don't have a lot of years left so it's important that I do as well as possible with those remaining!
Did you take paracetamol before and after the vaccine?
Nope, nothing. Before or after.
Maybe if you took paracetamol you didn’t any effect . I am not sure neither , my my family that they are old with 87 and 88, or 82 or 83 , that took paracetamol for the vaccine covid before and after to put it, and they hadn’t effects . They have other problems of heart , and cancer 4 years ago , but no effects with paracetamol before and after the vaccine covid .
So, if I understand, is worst the effects of the things of MS than this effects of the vaccines ?
Definitely. I did 2-1/2 years of fever and shakes, and soreness from the fevers, 6 out of 7 days a week, till my neuro had me stop the DMT's, telling me for all the effort, they weren't helping reduce relapses. 1/2 day of fever and shakes was a piece of cake. Even a month's worth as others I heard got, worth it.
I hope you feel better soon. Would you let us know how things go over the next few days? Share with us when you feel better?
Thank you for asking. It's now two days after the vaccine and I'm about 80% back to normal. I gardened a little this morning (moved some compost, watered seedlings, fertilized evergreens, planted some bush beans, set a tomato and a seedling coreopsis in the ground, planted a bulb) and that's enough for today. If I were 100% I'd do a little mowing or fill a raised bed with compost but I'll wait until later in the week to do those chores.
I’m 64 and my second Pfizer vaccine made me sick the next day, body and joint pain,chills,headache and nausea. The day after that I was wiped out. But I feel great today, it seems I had “robust” immune response. I’ve heard woman have more side effects to the vaccine, which is being studied. I’m so happy and relieved to be vaccinated!
And what tratament have you for MS?
I consider my extreme fatigue in the same category of robust immune response; i.e., very good news since it means the vaccine is working as intended.
Best wishes and prayers to feel back to normal asap!
While I'm not 80, I really appreciate you telling us about your experience with Moderna's second dose. I get to get mine at the end of this month. My reaction to the first dose was a low-grade fever on the day after the first poke, and just a feeling of yuck. But after an hour-long nap, I walked 3 laps around the park across the street from my house, which works out to about 3 miles. Sore arm didn't show up until 3 days later.
The only reason I posted was to be helpful, so if other seniors had a similar reaction they might not be too worried. Others in my age bracket circle have had a variety of reactions to these vaccines: headaches, fevers, body aches, rashes and one experienced an outbreak of shingles. A few even had no reaction at all. So compared to the struggles of those hospitalized with COVID, these sorts of reactions all fall into the category of temporary annoyances. I'd much rather be laid low for a day or two than die or suffer long COVID.
Did you take paracetamol before And after vaccine?
It is recommended to NOT take a pain reliever Before the vaccine.
I don’t understand sorry . I only understand you that is no recomended to take paracetamol before vaccine .
My lenguage isn’t the English , is the Spanish , and is difficult for me to understand some sentences or words .
Sorry .
Yes, but 10 minutes before nobody have pain before the vaccine , but it is the paracetamol before the vaccine for not to take pain in the next 10 or 20’ after taking the vaccine covid. And it is recomendable to take the next 4 hours to take paracetamol, and the following day in the breakfast, to take other paracetamol. So, my family hadn’t effects for the Covid vaccines .
And ,sorry and is fantastic that all with the vaccine is good, wchich is your tratament with the MS?

Gentle vHugs to you, goatgal
I had my 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday and had a rough night last night, but I'm with you. A bit of discomfort is a lot better than Covid! Hang in there!
Is a pill for any pain .
Bless your soul, drove to get vaccine.& you love gardening. Good for the body & soul.
Well age wise I'm right behind you 73 because I have heard that people respond badly to the second dose, I took an ibuprofen an hour before and every four hours for the day following. A little lethargy minimal discomfort. Four days out I am fine and I'm fully vaccinated.
so sorry you are feeling so bad do you have someone that you can call to come over and keep an eye on you ...have you called the doctor or the clinic where you got the shot and let them know how you are feeling ???? sure hope so...prayers that this fades fast for you so you can get to your gardening ....take it easy today and prayers ...
Congratulations on your shot . 😷
My husband is 81 & he got his 2nd march 9 he didn't feel good for a couple of days & he doesn't have MS I do I still can't get an appointment! I'm 68!
You should be able to get a vaccine soon now that the supply is more plentiful. I'm assuming you have put yourself on at least one list! As for not feeling completely well afterwards, that's still SO much better than catching this virus or dying. Life, especially in spring, is so full of wonder and little miracles everyday.
goatgal, you're not the only 80-year-old here. I'm 80 too. I've been keeping an eye on how people are coping with the COVID-19 vaccine. I sometimes react badly to ordinary flu shots but I do keep getting them every year. I've just been putting off this vaccine because it's a bit hard for me to get to a vaccination site, and I'm hoping it will get easier soon. In the meantime, I resumed Copaxone, which I stopped taking 10 years ago. I decided to start it again because there's some evidence that it might help to protect against COVID-19. I've been on it (in the generic form, 3 times a week) now for nearly 4 months now. I figured it probably wouldn't do me any harm and just might do some good.
2nd shot is a kicker,this too shall pass
Hope you will feel better soon!
Hi goatgal, I'm 81. first Phizer fine, but second knocked me off my feet for more than a few days. was a bit of a surprise. am happy to be vaccinated though