this is the 3rd or 4th time, i think, that this has happened. i wake up and am too weak to sit up, lift my legs, get off the bed. spent about 45 minutes trying, then just collapsed and went back to sleep. when i woke up many hours later i could move again. I was diagnosed many years ago with secondary progressive, the past month i had been experiencing trigeminal neuralgia, taking gabapentin for it. Anyone ever experience anything like this? Thanks, and happy safe new year to you all.
extreme weakness upon awakening - My MSAA Community
extreme weakness upon awakening

Not the TN, but the weakness, yes, ekelks When I am too weak to stand up, I sit on the bed and flex my legs for a few minutes. Then I get up using my forearm crutches. It usually helps. Give it a try. Keep Smiling, my friend!
I went through a spell where I'd have to roll myself closer to the edge and then swing a leg onto the floor. Wait a bit, move the other leg. Wait a bit, then try to sit up. Remain seated and hanging on until I feel stable, then use something sturdy to stand up. It's kind of awkward, but it wound up working rather well for me, and I still do a variation of that. The legs always get up first, then I deal with the rest of me.
merry Christmas
I have been waking up with the ms hug
It hurts so I’m off to start my day with a pain pill!
Have a wonderful day!
Prayers are going out to you. I am so sorry this is
happening. G-D will take care of you.
First, please feel better and blessed holiday greetings to you. I remember feeling like this over the years, never could figure it out! I strongly suspect I had MS many years before my confirmed diagnosis from a medical professional! Please keep us posted with your health journey, and Godspeed healing prayers 🙏 sent your way. NeeC
I wish you the best in conquering this issue

When you wake-up are already exhausted? 🤔 I would let your neuro know about this. Just to be on the safe side! 🙂🤗💕🌠
i will when i get my next new neurologist come March. thank you!
Sometimes when I sleep my feet get too hot and when I wake up my legs don't work very well until they cool down good luck and Merry Christmas
Hello, thanks everybody. I think something is going on, losing control of bowels, fell @5 times today... I did stop taking my copaxone a while ago. my tremor is so bad i don't trust my autoinject anymore. Next neuro appt, another new woman, isn't until March. So will keep track of all these events and see what she thanks. Thank you all for your help and kind wishes. Safe holidays, everyone.
While Copaxone is one of the least effective MS drugs, as you stopped it a while ago it may be that your MS is flaring up and you need some medical attention ASAP. Five falls in a day and losing control of your bowels needs attention much sooner than March - I realise it's an awkward time of year but I strongly suggest you go to the Emergency Dept of your local hospital - you may be having a relapse or have some other condition which needs prompt medial attention.
Thanks, i can't do that. last time i went to an er i ended up in the lockdown mental ward