Be an observer, not a casual occasional glance, get serious. It does not matter if “YOU” are a Newby (Newly diagnosed) in the process of getting diagnosed (Dx’D) or an old timer(need a better name here any recommendations appreciated) No, get serious and watch yourself. Write it don so that “YOU” have a record. Trust me in five years “YOU” will have forgotten, we all do..
Strange things are happening to your body, they make no sense and if “YOU” do not observe and pay serious attention “YOU” will either go crazy or start taking amounts of pills that can make “YOU” feel much worse. Get your nerve posters and trace where pain and other abnormalities are coming from. Your eye might be twitching but are you taking a hot bath, mowing the lawn or something else. Not everything is always obvious, but if “YOU” seriously observe and take notes it sometimes is possible to find your own answers. Do not rely on others to solve all your problems or to answer all your questions. This is way to big a disease to rely on any one person or even a team to know everything. They all need good information from the best possible source, and that source is “YOU” yes “YOU”. it is your health be active un managing it.
It is very possible to live a good long enjoyable life with ms. It requires “YOU” to make a serious effort and “YOU” to keep making it. This is a very longterm condition that we have. Look at that way and a act that way. Build your base strong, for “YOU” will need it later. As I have said this is a lifelong condition.
I manage my RRms, I recommend that you do as well