For the last 11 months, I have been experiencing numbness and tingling in both feet. I have noticed when its cold I feel worse. I also have numbness, tingling and weakness on my left side in my hand and lower arm.
I had a MRI in April 2023 with no contrast; both came back normal. My symptoms have continued and now are getting worse (moving up my legs and more widespread on my left side).
Most labs have come back showing I have some type of underlying inflammatory condition, most of which they point to anemia or B12 deficiency (although my B12 and Folate levels are fine).
I recently had a LP that showed I have more than 5 bands. My doctor says its not MS but is ordering another set of MRIs and suggested I see a Rheumatologist.
Adding to my backstory, after I had a hysterectomy in Oct 2020, my labs indicated high liver enzyme levels. Long story short, after months of labs and test, I had a liver biopsy which indicated a high lever of stored iron (my liver iron was 12000 when the normal should be 1800 max - no i did not accidentally add a 0 ๐). An iron panel was done and my ferritin level was over 1300 (normal should be 200 max) My doctors diagnosed me with Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload) which has been treated with regular phlebotomies. The phlebotomies have left me severely anemic so they have been on pause. (I can't take iron due to my body overloading on iron so if I really do have a severe case of anemia, no one will treat it at this time.)
Any thoughts on what other conditions show bands that mimic MS?