hi everyone, came across this today. what's it like to believe you deserve unconditional love? and treated accordingly (mostly by ourselves)?
shift how you view yourself and value yo... - My MSAA Community
shift how you view yourself and value yourself

Wow, I'm speechless. What an awesome post.I think it would help everyone in this Chat Room to read this and think think about what we can do to make ourselves special. Because our brìllance s starts with us.✨️
Thx for sharing @sandy
reminder to self: give yourself some grace 👍
Wow! I really like that.. I am still working on more than one of those topics. I am still trying to get through the fact that I feel guilty sometimes for the self-care that I do, It can sometimes seem selfish… I think I finally figured it out, though if I don’t take care of myself with the exercise that I need, then I am not gonna be able to be there for all of my other people.
The first thing that comes to my mind about unconditional love is my dog.
i have started using my walker in public instead of relying on my husband’s arm to keep me balanced and, though embarrassed by needing a walker (rollator), i have been having a LOT more interactions and feel i have a lot more confidence in myself. I feel like my personality is going back to my old self! (After ALL these years!)
I love this!!!!! It's so "spot on" correct 💯 about life and people and not allowing negative energy in our space. Thank you 💕 NeeC
I used to teach this to our cosmetology students. "If you don't love yourself how can you expect your clients too?" I had them stand in front of the mirror everyday before starting their work on the clinic floor & say "I love you." We believe what we hear ourselves say more than what we hear from other people. Our students with low self esteem progressed greatly over the year & by the time they graduated they were confident & felt good about themselves. Thanks for sharing, we can all use this as a reminder of who we are.🤗
Thank you, Sandy. This is very challenging for me. I know I don't always treat myself very well, or believe in and support myself. I will work on that.