Perfect days : I am letting you know the... - My MSAA Community

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Perfect days

Amore55 profile image
17 Replies

I am letting you know the results of my MRI on my back that I’m having such pain with. It looks the same as the one from two years ago, so there are no mechanical issues with my spine, other than the scoliosis, which is not the cause of my pain. My doctor will be doing extensive labs to try to determine the cause if possible.

On another note, do any of you live in a small town? As you may know, I do. I mention this because I have found that if I tell one person what is going on with me in my life, I can be sure that so many other people will be sure to find out what I have said! I went to a meeting on Friday evening and had 3 people say to me that they were sorry that my mri didn’t show anything. I never told them! I’m amazed at how this happens! Do people not have anything else to do besides talk about my little health situation? I’m actually asking you, has this kind of thing ever happened to you?

Also, beautiful weather is here! I’m continuing to walk at the nature reserve twice a day. I saw osprey diving for fish for their dinner the past two evenings! I wear a pedometer and try to get 8000 steps in. I read that 10k steps is just an arbitrary number, and 8k is more accurate. I’m in agreement! Although I don’t go just to get steps in, it is more about keeping my body healthy and seeing nature. Since I live in an apartment, I must be able to do this. Thanks for letting me prattle on. Love you all, Kelly

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Amore55 profile image
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17 Replies
Fancy59 profile image

Yes Kelly that is some of the drawbacks and the beauty of a small town all wrapped up in 1. Before you know it the entire town knows everything about your life, your doctor's appointments, your family, and even the skeletons in your families' closets👻!!!

I had hope the pain in your back and legs had gotten better.Perhaps your doctor will get to the bottom of it and you'll finally get it straightened out. I am so pleased to hear you're able to get out and walk enjoy nature. I wish I could do the same. Thinking of you. Take care. Fancy 59.

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to Fancy59

So nice to hear from you. The good news is that my legs don’t hurt at all! Just my back! I can always tell myself that there are so many people who have it so much worse than me. But remembering that and internalizing that are two different things! How are you doing?

NorasMom profile image

Small towns are unique. They can be a PIA, but I wouldn't live anywhere else! I spent nearly 20 years with few people knowing my given name, because I was "Bill's wife" or "Jane's daughter-in-law". Then it turned into "Nora's mom"! When she was rushed to the city children's hospital from our local doctor's office, all of our neighbors knew about it before we even got there. For months after that, perfect strangers would stop me on the street and ask how she was.

I'm in a different town now, but the neighbors knew I had MS without me telling a soul. It can be a comfort as long as no one gets intrusive. I've been lucky with that so far.

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to NorasMom

Yes, I agree. It’s funny, this is actually a city of 50 k so I should not call it a small town! I guess it’s just that people who know me seem to find out information about me without me telling them! 😂😅 oh, well. I do love it here, I am just not used to it yet. I would not want to live in a big city again at all either. When I visit my daughter in Salt Lake City, it is so huge and busy. Too much traffic and too many people. Everyone is in a hurry. At least here people are really nice and friendly. I love being here. Hugs 🤗 to you and have a great day!

kdali profile image

I came from a small town, so yes, but I find small groups of any kind gossip the same way...neighbors, family, school, work, etc. Sometimes it's fun to plant the seed and see what rumor grows 🤣 No, they do not. I was rumored to be pregnant for over a year one time (I began to refer to my belly as "my little elephant", as they have long gestations). Sometimes it's out of concern (I heard you lost your family member, so I made you this casserole), but for others it's an addiction/entertainment.

I think consistency wins over distance, but it should something that takes effort. Nature increases the cognitive benefits of exercise.

falalalala profile image

I hope you get your answers soon!

We live in a small town.

One of the neighbors asked my husband to replace his wife's IV as they knew he worked for EMS.

He doesn't.

Others act on their best behavior as they think he's a cop.

He's not.

When he grows his beard in , kids think he's Santa. The librarian who has a bit of a crush on him,made him pose next to the Xmas tree for photos,😂

He went in there recently and two people offered to "babysit" me as I am all messed up, as you know.😂😂

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to falalalala

Oh, too funny!

jimeka profile image

Prattle on as much as you like, it’s great to hear that you can do so many steps. Keep going as long as you can, blessings Jimeka

Sandydemop profile image

hey Kelly, share anything here. or chat or some other way. You deserve a safe place to share. i am happy that despite your pain you still get out and walk so much. Nature is an antidepressant. Here for you always. 🥰

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to Sandydemop

ps, i don't live in a small town but my recovery community is very small and everyone knows all about each other's mess and needs. We do keep everything confidential as best we can. I love how we are there for each other.

carolek572 profile image

No, but it is nice to see that they are concerned for you, Amore55 🤗

StacyHayward profile image

I had random people checking on me after my hospital visit. No idea how they found out. I choose to appreciate the love!

Humbrd profile image

That's wonderful that you're getting to walk a couple times a day in your area and see such beautiful wildlife.

mrsmike9 profile image

I am so sorry you don't have an answer. I am happy your doctors are still looking. Sometimes it seems they just give up.

Mollyabigail profile image

Late reply! What a bummer that your MRI did not show anything. Do you still have a gall bladder? My back hurt constantly when my gall bladder quit working. (most people vomit and vomit with a bad gall bladder. But I never threw up once. Just back pain). There's a pricey medical test to see if your gall bladder is working. A HIDA scan, I think it's called. Could this be your gall bladder?I have lived in a small town for 42 years now. The good thing is - everyone knows all about you. The bad thing is - everyone knows all about you. 😅

Still praying for you, Kelly!


Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to Mollyabigail

What a good idea! Thank you, I will look into it.

Mollyabigail profile image
Mollyabigail in reply to Amore55

I say that, because my Dr. (a poor diagnostician) could not determine my problem. It was embarrassing to keep returning to his office with the same pain. I was certain his office staff thought me a hypochondriac! I had zero gall stones according to an ultrasound. Turns out, my g. b. was functioning at 18%. It just quit.Once it came out (a fairly easy surgery), the pain disappeared in about 7 days. I hope this is your solution. Wouldn't that be awesome?

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puncture and definitive MRI many times thru the years. Just my update to you. Kelly