G'Day RRms {Relapsing Remitting ms) Sisters and Brothers. Did I mention that this disease is strange? 20+ years along my RRms journey and today I first hear of sound sensitivity. All this time I thought it was my wife just complaining about me playing the music loud like a 13-year-old. There is something to it. Just goes to show RRms is strange and that YOU must always be on your toes and thinking of new and different solutions for your problems. I suggest not running to pills and potions but do tell your Neuro (Neurologist) and keep your own personal notes about what is going on and when it started. Remember RRms affects the nerves, which is the body's wiring system. It may be something else, or it may be RRms. Look carefully and do not discard any options.
Sound sensitivity, 20+ years and that is a new one on me. Good luck and I hope YOU gat it sorted soon.