Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) is not predictable. Not true, over time “YOU” and I will get worse, that is at least certain. Perhaps knowing this and accepting this as soon as possible is the best thing to do. Prepare yourself today for the possibilities of a less than perfect tomorrow. I am never suggesting that your future is all doom and gloom, but having a few things sorted for the possibility of a backwards step or two might be a good idea.
I do not need one, but when I go somewhere I take a three wheel disability scooter, when I can. I make quite a sight getting up to fetch something from a high shelf then sitting back down. I am prepared for, if I have difficulties doing what I have to do. I have RRms, but there is absolutely no need for me not to live my life as best as I can, and live a life that brings me happiness and furfilfillment. I was not diagnosed (Dx’d) long ago and told to shut myself away and grow old. I was told to live, to make the most of my life and if it changes, learn that and live a new way. This illness goes on and on. It does unexpected, very strange things to your body, but there is no need to give up. Surrender to its whims, NEVER.
There is so much to learn about it. So much that “YOU” and I can do to thwart it and work around its uncertainties. Life was never promised to be rainbows and candy. Actually life was only promised one thing. To end one day and it is up to you and I to make the best of that time in-between. What choice do “YOU” think “YOU” might make? Seriously, what choice might “YOU” make, what choice are “YOU” making right now? Yes, that is asked to make “YOU” think a little, for today and tomorrow.
I do not know what promise was ever made to me, I do not know what I must do. Perhaps nothing at all, but while I can, I think I might like to help one person in the world for one minute of one day of their journey. I think that would be good, maybe it is “YOU” today maybe it is somebody who reads this in a year. I am not sure, I am not even sure that it matters, I am pretty sure it helped me. None of us knows where our thoughts and actions will stick, who they may help. Perhaps that 12-year-old child will see his parents RRms moments and go on to be a research scientist who finds an answer for our mystery disease one day. There are so many possibilities, paths to travel. Ours might be dark today, but look closely, do “YOU” see that small shaft of sunlight through the gloom up ahead. Your RRms life does not have to be all doom and gloom. There can be a little light, but “YOU” have to make the effort to get to that light. Live for today, but prepare yourself for the future, whatever it might hold.
There is only one certainty in life, the rest is up to “YOU”, not totally but it is not absolutely beyond your control. Make choices and decisions that in 20years “YOU” will be happy that “YOU” made.
Royce (the ms writer)
I think I made a few right decisions over the years, lots of wrong ones, but I am far from perfect