I peek in every now and then to see how folks are doing here. I've been quilting like crazy since I've been going well, and it keeps me out of jail. Our quilting group from church has moved to my house, so now my quilting space includes my sewing room, attic, spare bedroom, and now the dining room (on Friday mornings). I've been cleaning and repairing old hand crank and treadle sewing machines when I'm not sewing and really enjoy seeing those old beauties come to life. (They are now great spouse material: they work, they're clean, and they put things together.) Here's one quilt I finished this morning after the top sat around for about 2 years. It's a scrap quilt mostly made from scraps the church group was going to throw away. Only 120 projects left to go!
Quilting Up a Storm: I peek in every now... - My MSAA Community
Quilting Up a Storm

awesome! 🙌
Glad to hear you’re doing well 👍
How are you doing? Are you on any treatment? Didn't you stop Ocrevus some time ago?
only lifestyle. Doing the OMS diet x December and feeling great.
You’re still on Ocrevus, yes?
No, I was only on Copaxone but stopped that a few months ago.
are you planning to start something new?
I always have more than one project in the works. Before I finish a project, I'll see a pattern or picture of a quilt I want to make or a technique I want to learn.
What have you been painting?
Hello there, old friend! So glad to see you are doing well now! It's great to see the beautiful work from your hands again. I am also doing very well, although not much time for sewing. I'm learning to use a Bernina embroidery machine, new to me, but previously owned. I have to refer step-by-step to the instruction manual, which slows the process. When I get something made to show, I'll pass it on. Haven't been on here in a very long time. Praise the Lord we're still here!
It's so good to hear from you! My old Bernina has an embroidery unit on it, but I've never learned how to use it. It would cost $200 to go to the dealer for a class since I bought the machine used. I'd love to see your work when you get something made! It's good to hear you are doing well. Keep it up!
Last year, when I was in a flare, I saw an ad in my local newspaper for a Bernina Artista 165 for $400, OBO! I called immediately, and said I want it, but can't drive 20 miles away to get it. She said she would bring it to me! She did, and brought a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts too! I paid her $50 extra for her trouble. It didn't sew right at first, but someone had played with all the knobs and had messed it up. After working with it a few minutes, I had it working just fine. Later I took it to the local Bernina shop and had them clean it and go through it for another $100, but it was worth it for the satisfaction, that all was well with my new toy! Feel so blessed!
You ARE blessed! Great story! My darling hubby found my Aurora, but we had to drive quite a bit to pick it up. The computer board was bad, but even with paying $900 to have it repaired, it was a great deal. I got over $1000 worth of feet and the embroidery unit with it. I was so thrilled, my husband went crazy and bought me a Q16! Now I can sit and quilt as long as my arms hold out!
Keep enjoying your machine and let me know if you figure out the embroidery.
This is gorgeous!
The diamonds look like diamonds.
Profound statement right there.
You're very good with color & design
Beautiful. I have been busy with my churches quilting group (we meet every Thursday). I am going to start looking for a prayer shawl group like I had in Tennessee. I don't want to start one at this church mainly because I not want to be in charge and I don't want it to take away from what the quilting group
Wow! Nice.
I once heard that it used to be a tradition to include 1 deliberate mistake in every patchwork to show that only God is perfect. Do quilters still do that? Or was it just an excuse to explain the genuine mistakes?

Gorgeous, greaterexp ! When life gives you scraps, make quilts! I have yet to re-engage with my quilting. I make a baby quilt last year. I have yet to do any quilting this year. I have about 5 UFOs begging for my attention.
That is absolutely gorgeous!!
What a beautiful quilt.
Beautiful quilt! So great to hear from you and that you are doing well!
My goodness, that is so pretty! Well done!
Looks great!
I'm glad you're doing well😀
this quilt is WOW. You are a gifted artist. thanks for sharing and checking in now and then.
I miss you all when I'm away too long! How are you doing?
thanks for asking. I'm doing pretty well (still recuperating from doing a lot this morning) but overall i'd have to say improved. you?
that looks so awesome! And lmao! I need one of them!
Very beautiful! You are so talented!
Nice quilt keep up the good work
It's beautiful! I love scrappy quilts! As you are piecing them it brings back memories of what you previously made with that fabric. I just made a scrappy lap quilt for a friend for her birthday.
Absolutely amazing! I’m in awe of what you have done with “scraps “! 🙂
This looks like a stained glass window! Very intricate and inspiring.
Absolutely beautiful 🤩
very pretty quilt! Some talent you have 😊
Wow! If I don't look super closely to see fabric, it looks like a cut glass window, sparkling! Stunning!
Beautiful. I like the design pattern.
you can make such beautiful quilts ...just beautiful...so glad to see some more of your work for it is just great to see ...wow...love and happiness...keep stopping in every now and again ...miss you and your work..
how did you find out how to bring the old sewing machines back to life...my tredle is in grave need so if you can tell me what and what to do ...would be so wonderful ..it was my dads moms machine....also how to recover the wood on top over the machine hiding ...when we first got married we lived under a girl that had a problem with running water over and it came down and landed on top of the cover of the machine while we were at work several times...anyway a big job i know ...love and happiness...enjoying life is beautiful...
There are tons of YouTube videos, and I belong to a few treadle sewing machine groups. So many of the treadles I’ve worked on were used as plant stands. Sad!
I’m not mechanically inclined, but they are such simple machines. I just got this 1896 Frister and Rossman hand crank up and running. This was before I finished cleaning up the base. She sews!
That is beautiful!
so beautiful what a talent. My mom was incredible seamstress made our clothes when we were young. I tried a few times, no exaggeration that machine would bind up on the bottom. I never went back. You are an artist
There is usually a simple fix, like holding the threads when you begin a seam. I tried to teach myself to sew when I was 19, long before the internet. The first dress I made was not fit to be seen in public! I took a beginner class, and things started to click. I hope you have someone who could show you if you still have a machine.