I have not been diagnosed but I have been having major issues. I have been having numbness and tingling a lot lately. Also I have been getting these episodes. My first was a week before thanksgiving then the 2nd one was on Thanksgiving. That is when my husband called 911 and I was sent to the hospital. They ruled out a brain tumor or a stroke. They sent me home and said that it was neurological. Then I had my 3rd 4 days ago and now my 4th today. I start getting the numbness & tingling all over. I feel very confused. My arms and hands feel tight and they lock up. My fingers twitch & move on their own. I feel tightness around my chest and throat. My head feels really strange. I feel very weak and tired. I feel a little shaky. I feel like I can’t walk or I walk very slow holding onto things. After I have an episode it takes a couple of days for me to feel normal. Any other time I have headaches, restless leg syndrome, numbness & tingling, shooting sharp pains everywhere in my body, a couple of times I woke up and I couldn’t use my index finger . It didn’t hurt or feel weird but when I tried to use it it just lied there. I couldn’t control it. My muscles twitch a lot here and there and hurt & feel sore. Vertigo and dizziness. My memory has gotten worse. I have a hard time finding the right words to say. When it is hot and humid outside I instantly get numbness and tingling in my face & nose and have a hard time breathing. I am itchy all over. I have a hard time walking anywhere. My hips & lower back start to hurt and I feel very weak. Sometimes I feel unbalanced. This is all I can think of right now. I know there is more. I do have diabetes 2.
I am on Medicaid so I need to see my primary doctor first and then get a referral for a neurologist which could take a long time. I am getting frustrated because this is affecting my work . I just want answers.
Has anyone gone through these episodes?? Thank you for your help!!