G'day ms family, hope YOU are doing well today and looking at the day with rose-coloured glasses. Never doom and gloom and a sense of hopelessness. There is always hope. Dream the big dream reach for the skies.
To all of YOU that congratulated me on my backward walking yesterday, THANKS. It was a goal I had, something I wanted to achieve. I achieved it as silly as it was but I did it and you were the only people that I thought might understand. YOU did and I am glad of that, as I am impressed and glad for all of your achievements throughout your days. Sometimes just getting out of bed is an achievement and few understand what a big deal that is. Take every win that YOU can, whenever YOU can. Do not measure yourself against others. Just do, and continue doing. this is a slow downhill path we walk. Realize that and accept it. Do not sprint to the finish line, take small steps and move slowly. Try to be last at the ms finish line/
Good luck with your day today and smile,
Your ms writer.