28 Aug 2023 It is a good day to be alive - My MSAA Community

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28 Aug 2023 It is a good day to be alive

RoyceNewton profile image
23 Replies

G'day my ms family. I just thought I would state the obvious. TODAY of all the days that have ever been, perhaps today is the very best. The sun is shining, or where YOU are perhaps it is grey, but we are breathing. My mushroom coffee was tasty as usual, and my aches and pains were all bearable.

Today I am glad to be alive, and glad that YOU are as well. I hope your day is so glorious, This ms thing is something we can do. Be well, YOU are tougher than YOU think.


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RoyceNewton profile image
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23 Replies
twooldcrows profile image

the blue moon was so nice but it looks orange to me but looks wonderful...good day ...temps are going down...love and happiness to all ...

Cwright170994 profile image

I'm glad to be alive! Sure, a few years ago I was thinking of committing suicide, but thoughts of my then fiance coming home from work and seeing my dead body scared me into not doing it 😳 and so, every time that dark thought crosses my mind, I picture my now-husband (we married each other a few months back) having to come home, no cup of tea ready for him like I usually do, and him having to see my dead body and call for an ambulance 😨😰 so yeah, I am very glad to be alive! No matter how hard my body tries to kill me, especially my last lot of seizures (7 in total!) or my dicky legs giving up on me as I try and use the stairs! Yeah, I have got a stairlift, but sometimes its not quick enough. I can get up the stairs by myself fine, but coming back down, if I'm not feeling too good, I'd have to call it from the top step 🙄 but, I manage! As Bear Grylls has said, "improvise, adapt, survive!" Or Edna Mode from the Incredibles, "go, confront the problem, win!" And then there's the thing from a movie/show I've changed up a bit, "I am a strong, independent white woman, who only needs one man!" 🤣🤣🤣

Mug with "I fight MS. What's your superpower?" written on it.
DM0329 profile image
DM0329 in reply to Cwright170994

OMG: Great mug! 😅❤️🤞

Cwright170994 profile image
Cwright170994 in reply to DM0329

Sorry, should have posted my reply here, rather than directly to your post 🤦‍♀️🙄😂

Essaad profile image
Essaad in reply to Cwright170994

Good day .I'm really happy you didn't comit sucide because it's the most selfish and coward thing a person can do. Imagine how many people who loves u will get hurt by this act. I'm Muslim sucide it's forbidden in my religion. My left hand was amputated by a tragic accident, now I've ms ,it never come to my mind the idea of killing my self. I have phantom pain for years because I lost my hand and and now pain from ms but life continues.

Cwright170994 profile image
Cwright170994 in reply to Essaad

I'm happy, and I know my now-husband and our families are happy not having to plan my funeral 🫂 Have you told your doctor or neurologist about the phantom pain? I'm sure they can do something to help 😢

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to Cwright170994

Luckily neither of our families had to plan our funerals.. I was really sad back in 2015 after my mother passed. My doctor called at the perfect storm... I just think God now that my mind is healthier and I'm in so much of a better place now than I was then..I get what you are saying Cwright..it is a very dark place to be in and the chemistry in your brain gets out of whack you are NOT in your right mind.. it's not about being selfish or not. It is about being very sick. 🤗

Cwright170994 profile image
Cwright170994 in reply to AquaZumbaFan

I'm happy you've survived being there 🤗 I did get to a really dark place, with nothing else to distract me and the fact that I couldn't get my personal independence payment to at least bring some income into the house again because I can no longer work 😢 I've been in this position before, when I did get the letter saying I've got my clinically definite diagnosis. I was at university then studying to be a nurse, and my university house was on the other side of train tracks to the university 😰 the week where I was thinking of jumping off the bridge of the road that went over the tracks, and falling in front of a train, was scary! Especially because I was thinking of doing it during the night, when I was working night shifts on placement. But, I pulled up my big girl pants and carried on. I got that letter in 2015, a few months after I started dating my husband. And I told my best friend, my MOH at my wedding, a couple of years back about me wanting to off myself. She also said don't do it, because I wouldn't get paid my life insurance. Now, I've got carers coming in on days when my husband is working, just to give me someone to talk to/bitch with/put the world to right with 😁

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to Cwright170994

I was already been working at the hospital for years when all this happened was and helping to take care of my mother with a very aggressive cancer. She only lived for three months after diagnosis with lung cancer. I was helping to take care of my family, in addition to all the other things I was doing, I was even teaching Zumba class at the gym a couple of days a week. I got myself into a place after she passed, and they thought it was just a grief reaction so my doctors started treating me for the trouble I was having with my sleep, I lost probably 25 pounds , as I was having trouble eating, and the worst was the sleep deprivation… But one of the medicines they put me on to help me sleep one of the side effect was suicidal ideations. I certainly had that and finally told my husband that I was having those thoughts and that bought me a few days in the hospital , I had never experienced that sort of thing and hope to never do that again. That was eight years ago almost to the day and I had taking Avonex for years at the time but my MS was relapsing and remitting and although it was in the background of everything that I did it was not , as disabling as it is now. I am very very fortunate to have gotten through that. I am still able to get myself around and although I don't teach Zumba anymore I am still able to drive myself to the gym most times to take a class in the water now I am really happy to say that my head has been in a very good place for years, ironically my daughter went into the psychology field .. she practiced on me for a long time… Lol! Did you ever do much in the nursing field? How old were you when you were not able to work anymore?

Cwright170994 profile image
Cwright170994 in reply to AquaZumbaFan

That's a great deal of stuff in a short amount of time 😱 I'm so happy you're on the other side 🫂❤️ I got to 2nd year 3rd semester, where my mental health took a beating, and my mum really needed my help after throwing her now-ex partner out of her house. I remember how to do fishtail bandages, why you can't have more than 1000mg paracetamol, and how to look stuff up on the bnf for how the drug works and if there's any interactions 🤷‍♀️ I started working when I was 14, just doing 4 hours on Saturdays, then moved onto working for KFC when I was 16 doing full time hours in school holidays, back down to only working a shift a week when I was at university (started Sept 2014), and after I dropped out, I went back home-home, went full time until 2018, when the new store manager took the Michael with my hours and my medical conditions. And so I went to work as a customer service representative for HSBC on their telephones. Regular hours really appealed to me! But I found I could no longer keep walking properly, and I had to quit work entirely in early 2020 😢 I miss being able to stay on my feet, being able to confidently walk long periods without using a stick or pushing my wheelchair 😭 like, sure! I can walk AND push my husband in my manual wheelchair, but that doesn't happen for long periods of time 😔

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Cwright170994

A great sentiment, I like this mug.

Cwright170994 profile image

If you like that cup, I've got a lot of tee's with inspiring slogans like this one on them! My favourite one has "the only good thing about MS is that zombies won't want my brains!" But I'm thinking of saving that one until this Sunday when I go to my appointment with a neuro at a hospital closer to home 🤣

Me wearing black t-shirt with words "rise from your ashes."
falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to Cwright170994

I'm glad you're still here :)

I like the t shirt too.

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to Cwright170994

I really like the shirt too!!

JSSimp profile image

What a blessing to see another day. Thank God for his Grace and Mercy on my life🙏🏾

mrsmike9 profile image

I am trying to be happy for the day. I'm not depressed, just soooo tired. It seems like every day my cup of energy is less full. I sleep quite well so that's not it. Just pooped out, again.

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to mrsmike9

It is so hard when you have had a decent night sleep and you still wake up tired. That was the kind of day I was having on Monday but today's much much better.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to AquaZumbaFan

glad to hear it, keep having good days.

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to RoyceNewton

Thanks Royce! That's the plan 😊

falalalala profile image

Yep, it is a good day to be alive!

There's always something to be thankful for regardless of what life brings.

Everyone's got some kind of problem or difficulty. I have yet to meet someone that doesn't, but if I do, I will be sure to give them a problem .....even it up a bit, ya know? 😆

AquaZumbaFan profile image
AquaZumbaFan in reply to falalalala


Texandyroe profile image

Thank you! I woke up with the same attitude today (after undergoing the night from hell the previous night and feeling like shite yesterday). Today is indeed a glorious day to be alive!

Uglymonster1 profile image

Thanks 💛 Have a great day!

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