I am having problems with my knees. At the beginningf of this year, I went to an orthopedic surgeon to see about knee replacement. He took x-rays and said the arthritis was not bad enough to warrant replacement, but suggested I get cortisone shot in my knees. So I went to another Dr. last April who adminstered a shot in each knee, and also drained some fluid out of one knee. The shot seemed to help for about a month, then went back and got a bit worse. I also am getting popping noises from each knee which I never had before in 70+ years. My knees are so bad now I can hardly walk with my walker anymore. Since things have gotten so much worse since the cortisone, I don't know if I want to go back for more injections. Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks in advance.
Knees: I am having problems with my knees... - My MSAA Community

I wish l could help, but only had the cortisone in my back and they didnt do anything. Hopefully someone else can help🙂🤗💕🌠
Hi, my husband's knee became very painful. He got the cortisone shots., didn't help. Then I read about a place that gave "rooster comb shots" for lubricant replacement. He had three treatments about 4 years and the pain has not come back yet! Check it out in your area.
Rooster comb shots? sounds like a folk remedy, but I'll see what my PCP says about it next month.
Well, if you are going to talk to your PCP perhaps you could use the scientific name : hyaluronic acid, or gel shots. Hyaluronic acid is also used for dry eyes,, moisturizing creams and lotions, ointments and serums. It reduces skin wrinkles and lines. It is basically a gel or lubricant that is what's missing when we get osteoarthritis in knees or wrinkles in our skin. It is also called viscosupplementation. In its early days it was extracted from the cartilage of rooster combs in the 1940s by Dr. Balazs. He found it to be the riches source of collagen, similar to the elasticity of a rubber band. I found out about it at my doctor's office, from a brochure lying on a table. I take collagen powder as a supplement for protein, metabolism, building muscle mass, bone and joint health, thinning skin and thinning hair. Symvasc injections are also made from chicken combs but are chemically modified to increase its molecular weight.
Hi, I've had the Symvasc injection in one knee well over 10 years ago and it lasted a long time. My knees now are very painful, severe arthritis but ortho says because of my hyper-extending a replacement isn't an option, muscles are too weak. There's a new gel injection that's I've been seeing advertised a lot because insurance will cover it and it's described as an alternate to surgery. I don't know the name.
So sorry you’re going through this. I have had cortisone shots which helped for a bit. I learned that cortisone can cause loss of bone depending on how often and dosage administered. The gel injections helped me. Since you’re having so much pain and decreased ability to walk, it might be worth getting your knees looked at again. Did you ever have an MRI to see if there are any meniscus tears? Best of luck to you! Please keep us updated.
I thought injection dosages were in 3 rounds of shots
I was told the injectiuons needed to be at leats 3 months apart, but I never heard of the shots being a series of three. I'll check with my PCP.
Yes the Symvasc is a series of 3 injections. I'm also going to ask my ortho about the new gel.
I am so sorry you're in pain. I am praying you feel better soon.
I can stay in your moment . Cortisone was possible for a week in my case for a month , I think, if I remember well. It was in 2004/5/6 , because of my right leg and right arm,
The humedity maybe was the cause .....the humedity of the house in 2006, or the tabaco , or to eat food in the day not goog. It Is necessary to cook well, not to smoke , not humidity in the house, and care ourselves more than other normal people that they haven’t MS.
I wish I had suggestions, but I do not. Prayers for your knees and pain. 🙏
Normally, I would recommend strengthening the quads and calves, but this may be difficult to impossible with MS. The way it was explained to me is that stronger muscles will create a bigger gap in the knee so that there is less bone against bone rubbing. Cortisone is to be avoided if at all possible as it weakens the cartilage.