I know there are multiple programs that target MS symptoms & overcoming disability (Dom Thorpe, MS Gym, MSing Link, Optimal Body, MS Moves...... ). My question is: who has tried any of these, or maybe more than one, and which did you feel helped you the most? tia
MS Specific Exercise Programs: I know... - My MSAA Community
MS Specific Exercise Programs

One of our forum family participated in MS Gym. She believed and reported that it had been very helpful to her.
I haven’t done any MS specific programs. I believe any form can help as long as you’re careful not to fall or get hurt.
I started doing refit classes (exercise through dance basically) a few months ago. First class I couldn’t even finish. Now my body is significantly stronger. I feel any exercise helps!
I use the Theracycle exercise machine daily.
Good question! I would be interested in knowing that too. Once I stop working, I have GOT to start a program, rather than sitting around all day, every day.
I had tried the sitting in a chair routine but as MS progressed it was easier for me to have a local trainer stretch me 2 or 3 times a week. I had emailed the MS Society requesting any books on stretching receiving a small library of information. I met with the trainer and we planned a half hour routine. I make an appointment with a physical therapist who specializes working with MS and Parkinson’s patients to evaluate me each year and we then adjust the stretching routine it certainly helps with spasticity and muscle cramping.
Thank you! I have been wanting to see a physical therapist for more personal work, but I haven't found one that sort of specializes in working with neurological disorders. They all say sure, they can work with me but none has given me the impression that they are really qualified to help MS specific issues....
yoga for a broken ankle, the teacher is a woman who does yoga for MS, yoga for fat girls she is great
A personal trainer has helped me greatly. She has changed my life. She was able to identify the muscles that were not firing and designed exercises to get them working again and strengthening them. I’ve tried the utube exercises but they really did not help me.
I have suffered with MS since being diagnosed in 1986-and consider myself fortunate, loss of sensory abilities, muscle spasms, weakness and loss of balance have all affected me but it is only within the last 8 years that I can’t drive and only within the last 5 years that I have had limited individual mobility, I am now in a wheelchair. MS is an insidious autoimmune disease with no cure it effects everyone differently and the progression is different for everyone that is affected. I had tried the sitting in a chair routine but as MS progressed it was easier for me to have a local trainer stretch me 2 or 3 times a week stretching shoulders, arms, legs and doing core exercises I had emailed the MS Society requesting any books on stretching receiving a small library of information. I met with the trainer, and we planned a half hour routine. I make an appointment with a physical therapist who specializes working with MS and Parkinson’s patients to evaluate me each year and we then adjust the stretching routine it certainly helps with spasticity and muscle cramping.