What do you do for MS constipation?
Ms constipation: What do you do for MS... - My MSAA Community
Ms constipation

I wish i cud help but i have yet to encounter that issue. Hopefully someone will chime in.
Memc, I take just a tsbsp. Of aluminum free baking soda with sea-salt tsp. In a good glass of H202 hrdrogen-pryroxide water & it cleans me out, this helps with those that are taking any Rx's, as the Red Clover Blossom tea could do more harm than good if one is on a RX, also milk of Mag is pretty good (otc)... So, that's what I do, usually if your gut is clogged, your/our brains are all clogged, & if u have Amazon Kindle, get Healing MS by Ann Boroch, really great read...
Hope this helps!👍😄😍 Welcome BTW! To our Family of MSer Warriorz! Ur now family too!💙❤💗💚💛🙏Prayers, Blessings & Hugs for ya!---🌹💜Jazmine
Memc, I have tried almost anything out there that anyone suggests. I find that my best bet is yogurt as my dessert at night. It keeps me moving without the harshness of laxatives.
I have a prescription for Movantik and it works great for me 👍. I think I’ve done everything under the sun over the counter. I have not needed it for 4-5 months but have a standing order. Hope you get feeling better 🙏🐾🎃 Ken
I don’t know if my problem is MS-related or not, but it is a constant worry because I am susceptible to diverticulitis. I had a rupture in 2006 and had part of my colon removed. So I have to be vigilant. Miralax, soluble fiber capsules, and a magnesium tablet every day. Also, Align probiotics and a large flaxseed-oil capsule. Red wine doesn’t hurt, either. Find what works for you. Talk to a gastroenterologist if you can. (I wouldn’t be taking Miralax daily if my doctor hadn’t prescribed it but I have added the other things on my own.) Good luck and take care.
Banana, plums or rehydrated prunes maybe? I always go for the "natural solution" without added chemicals.
My issues got much worse this yr and I saw a GI who started me on a newer med called Trulance. It works wonderfully.
OTC stuff had stopped working, I eat a high fiber diet, drink lots H2O and Amitiza and Linsess caused too much nausea and cramping.
I take one capful of Miralax in my morning coffee. It's OTC but my doctor said it's perfectly fine to take daily.
I have the best answer for you. I've always been constipated and my Dr. suggested
Miralax. It's a powder you mix with water and drink every night. Much better than using suppositories.
You can buy it at the drug store. Let me know if you try it.
Best Regards,
Is CTR lac a cheaper version? I never heard of it. I put bran in my oatmeal
every morning.
Magnesium works wonders!