I have heard people mention MS Gym on this site but never MS Workouts. Has any body signed up for MS Workouts? If so what do you think. I signed up for a 3 month subscription to give it a try. It has only been since 7/1/19 so to early to tell anything yet I think. I also watch the MS Gym clips on YouTube. Any opinions on either would be appreciated.
MS Gym VS. MS Workouts : I have heard... - My MSAA Community
MS Gym VS. MS Workouts

I signed to MS gym 2 weeks ago and am doing the chair program. I think it will be good. It is focusing on every muscle in your body and retraining your brain. I have already noticed I’m standing up properly and not slumping when I walk. 😀🌺
I like the msGym, bit slow for me but always good to see some other options
I did ms workout free trial for 15 days twice and its not worth it.
MS gym you get better training and direction. Plus you have the free and paid with MS gym .
MS workout you pay for everything and I didn't think the exercise really focused on MS
I started with the free 8 week fitness challenge with MS Workouts on 4/29 and once it ended, I signed up for 3 months. I have been following this program since the 8 week challenge 3 times a week and love it. I also recently began PT again. I think as long as you are consistent with exercise, you will benefit. I am also a member of MS Gym, but admit, I have never really followed it much. I am still pretty mobile, and it seems to me they target mostly wheelchair exercises.
I had done a free workshop, the strength camp and the fitness challenge. So I guess I did know they had free trial offers. The first two, I could barely complete if at all, the fitness challenge I did better and was able to complete most of it and when finished I also signed up for 3 months. I have being doing the chair workouts every morning M-F , switching from upper and lower body exercises every other day. Hoping to move onto the standing exercises before the end of the 3 months. I have looked over some of the standing exercises and some require getting on and off the floor which is a little to exhaustive for me at this time. Thanks for your opinion I appreciate it.
The MS Gym is a great program for me. I’m able to get around in spite of foot drop and knee hyperextension by using KAFO, a cane, or rollator. I like how the exercises target specific problems in the companion guides and the verbal cues given in the exercises. My posture is better, bladder control is improving, and the releases help with spasticity in my feet and legs. It definitely is a program I find helpful.
I did check them out but I am all in for the MS Gym. I am now into my 2nd year with a membership in the MSGym. I work at it daily. Trevor really gets it. He is informed and funny. I walk better(even neuro commented) I have MUCH better bladder control. Learned that bunions have be caused by spastic muscles(who knew?). Any movement is better than none so √ it out and do something regularly.
Also, me too 👍
I enrolled in MS Workouts for a couple of years. I switched to the MSGyM a couple of years ago and really like it.
MS Workouts was helpful but I got very tired of having to track every exercise I did with their paper or online forms. I know it's good to keep track of progression but I think there are other ways to do that. I also thought that MS Workouts had too much other information such as nutritional or emotional guidance which I think could be helpful for some but not me. I basically wanted to get on track with how to improve my physical abilities and stamina.
I switched to the MSGym a couple of years ago and really enjoy the very specific progression of exercises and the explanations. Coach Trevor Wicken shares is passion for helping people with neurodegenerative diseases improve. He he brings his 30 plus years of training and educational experience in neuroplasticity into each session and he does so in an enjoyable and fun way. His approach is not to provide a quick fix but rather to provide a lifelong understanding of how one's body can work best with is limitations.
For a more targeted and strategic approach it is good to work with a physical therapist in person at least for a while.