Some dizziness is normal for me, however since yesterday evening I have been having some pretty bad vertigo. Is this common with MS? I have sent a message to my neurologist and am waiting to hear back. I am work trying to figure out getting home. I don’t really want to drive.
Vertigo : Some dizziness is normal for me... - My MSAA Community

I know the feeling all to well. It does seem to be common. Do you geniculate neuralgia? I notice my vertigo is worse when that nerve is acting up.
I hope you found someone to get you home safely. I hope your neurologist has some insight.
I never heard from the dr. I sent the message around 11:30 and they closed at noon, so I guess they will call me on Monday. It subsided enough for me to get home ok. Now my right shoulder and neck area are SOOO tight. It is excruciating. I need to go into work and get a few things done in order to be off this next week. I haven’t had a vacation since diagnosis and am looking forward to just relaxing and trying to enjoy Christmas with my kids and family.
I struggle with vertigo from time to time, it seems to come and go at will. can't find a pattern or cause. Like all MS symptoms you/we wonder is it the MS or something else. Error on the side of safety and call your GP. Please be careful.
I had two kinds of dizziness/vertigo; when it feels like I am spinning (uncomfortable but I could still walk and do everything just more slowly) and the worst is when the world was spinning in all different directions around me (couldn't walk as I couldn't tell where anything was around me) fortunately this one wouldn't last more than a few minutes at a time. I started taking Gabapentin at bedtime which helped but did not eliminate completely and also started going to a neurologic chiropractor. I was still getting dizzy when turning over in bed and occasionally when just sitting in a chair. About a year after it started I went to PT to help with leg weakness and got dizzy during my assessment. The therapist did the Epley maneuver on me and I haven't had it when turning over in bed since. I only get the sensation it is about to start when I am sitting in a chair but goes away before the spinning sensation starts. I increased my Gabapentin dose from 300mg to 400mg a couple months ago and haven't had that anymore either. I saw my neurologist recently and he said the Epley maneuver success is tied to the person performing it and that he is not good at it. I would advise seeing an ENT or a physical therapist to have it done and see if it helps.
Many symptoms can have causes other than MS even if you have MS so best to rule out other causes.
I will look into this if it continues. Thank you.
I've had BPPV at times, but also vertigo which seems to have nothing to do with position. It would be a very good idea to talk to your doctor when you can to find out if BPPV is suspected. The solution to that could be those maneuvers. Don't we all love easy fixes?I'm so glad you got home safely. Do you think the tightness is from trying to cope with the vertigo? Do you have any muscle relaxers that could help with that?
I have no clue where the tightness is from. I woke up with it Thursday morning and have had it since. I already take a muscle relaxer every evening and it is not touching the discomfort. I had this same thing in March-April of this year. Using a tennis ball and leaning up against the wall was the only thing that would loosen it up.
/don't drive! I've had virtego, but in only one eye.