Has anyone had a split anterior tibial tendon transfer? I have foot drop on my left side and this surgery is hopefully going to give me the ability to lift my foot. The surgery is pretty involved and I’d feel better if I could speak to someone who has had it done. How will the surgery affect my MS? Will it cause a flare up?
split anterior tibial tendon transfer Su... - My MSAA Community
split anterior tibial tendon transfer Surgery

I haven’t heard of it before, so I will be interested in reading the replies. If you decide to have it done, please let us know how you are, blessings Jimeka 🤗
Haven’t but sounds very interesting 🤔 Love to hear what happens 👍🙏🤗 Ken 🐾🐾
i don't have any idea of what you are talking about....good luck ..hope someone is on here that reads and gives you some great advise ...take care and be safe...
What does your neurologist say? It's my impression that foot drop is caused by a failure in nerve signaling caused by MS. This is why the cuffs help correct it by stimulating the nerve. If this is so, then how would surgery correct the problem?
I meet with my neurologist this week. And definitely looking forward to his input. Based on several EMGs, my foot drop is from a fall down some stairs that ruptured my L5S1 disc about 3 years ago.
I’m not familiar with “cuffs“. Is that like a walk aid that stimulates the perineal nerve?
This surgery splits my tendon that is pulling up the interior of my foot. It then attach his part of the tendon to the outside of my foot at the cuboid, which then allows me to raise my foot up flat and Become less of a tripping hazard.
What's a cuff? I've never heard of it. I have bilateral ( both) foot drop & wear braces...
There are several kinds of devices designed to stimulate the nerves. Some can be positioned above the knee, others in areas of the calf. Bioness makes one called the L300Go as seen in ads in one of the MS magazines. There are also AFOs (assistive foot orthotics) that look more like braces and fit inside the shoe. Several people on this site have AFO and could tell you more.
I had the same thoughts. For drop is a nerve signaling problem.
How many of these surgeries has this surgeon done? What are the results of those surgeries? What does the surgeon hope to correct by doing this and how would that work for you? What problems can form as a result of this surgery? These would be some of the questions I'd want to ask the surgeon before having it done. What does your neurologist say about this? Is an AFO not enough? I had only heard of it used for cerebral palsy patients, but I'm sure it could be used for other things. Keep asking for more information.
We wish you the best, whatever you decide.
Thank you for the excellent list of questions. I do have an AFO and it gives me good lift; it’s made out of carbon fiber. However, the way my foot sits in the AFO and shoe I’ve gotten a ganglion cyst around my ankle joint which causes pain. I’m hoping to improve my foot lift so I do not have to use the AFO.
We’ll see. It’s all talk right now. I tentatively have the surgery scheduled for December 14. I am just trying to gather as much information as possible before I make a decision. Thank you for all of your input.
My brother had this done and I believe it was in the early 1950s. He had an accident that removed a section of a tendon. When he played Little League his foot would drop and so he had trouble running bases. So they split a tendon and brought part of it across and it fixed his foot. This is not a new procedure. Perhaps for MS, but it's been done before. I wish you could speak with him but he died at age 20 in 1964.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother at such a young age.
sorry for the loss of your brothers.. Thank you for sharing.
It was a long time ago...
A year & half ago, I was tending my parents gravesite and when I turned to leave, saw my brothers grave.. He had passed 6 months prior and even though we were not close, I was amazed that no-one advised me of his passing. Still reeling a bit from that..
Check out the "bioness"