Have you experienced anything that felt like a pelvic floor spasm? I had a very odd, uncomfortable experience yesterday and that is the only way I know how to describe it. I had been feeling low abdominal sensations through the day, but on my way home from work I started having very painful waves down there 😕 it subsided for a little while but started up again and kept going till I fell asleep. I woke up this morning ok. I have felt a tiny twinge here and there throughout the day.
Ladies...: Have you experienced anything... - My MSAA Community
I would see the doctor, you could have a bladder infection, let us know how you get on. 😊
I did and ignored it as best I could for a long time, took Advil prescription strength when it was bad. When I was on vacation and had massive amounts of blood in my urine, I decided it was past time to check it out. Turns out I not only had kidney stones but a HUGE ureteral stone that had to be surgically removed. The urologist had been practicing for 40+ years and said he’d never seen one that large. So, long story short, maybe yours is something totally different but I’d definitely ask a doctor! I hope you get answers and relief soon!
I have never felt anything like that except when I was pregnant! If it were me, would get it checked, but do what feels correct. Kelly
I have these occasionally, not painful but very uncomfortable. I've never been able to puzzle out exactly where (urethra, vagina?) they originate or what triggers them. My come in waves, then disappear until the next time. This is the first time I've mentioned them to anyone but they've been going on for decades but so infrequently that I forget about them until the next time.
Not spasms but I do get spacicity.
1st thing the dr. is going to do is send you to your gynocologist