What did you give up to fight MS ? - My MSAA Community

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What did you give up to fight MS ?

FindingAnswersMaccy profile image

Every question & every answer in this group is a learning for lot.

What food & habits did you have to give up to fight MS & has it helped ?

Does giving up Smoking & stopping consumption of alcohol help? Is that a list of things one should give up ? If so please could you share it

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FindingAnswersMaccy profile image
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43 Replies

alcohol (i have failed many times) but it's MS 101, booze is bad mmmmmkkkkkay? South Park anyone?

Elle61 profile image
Elle61 in reply to

I say everything in moderation,,,,,,I did stop smoking cigarettes but enjoy cannabis .

I do have a beer sometimes ....so surprised when I get popped after 1 beer , then I''m done.

falalalala profile image

I stopped smoking years ago ( before MS diagnosis) .

I have followed a decent diet for decades but will have things not in the plan on occasion.

Everything in moderation works well for me.

Daily exercise (about 27 years now ) is a very helpful thing to do and any activity, no matter what your situation, is a good idea.

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to falalalala

Same here.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to greaterexp

I have not given up cursing when I fall.

MS takes some things away but I have gained an near operatic level of cursing that rivals Pavorotti's best.

Ever hear Nessun Dammit?

It'll bring a tear to yer eye!

in reply to falalalala

😂 funny...

Me too! Never was a “cusser “ before!

Falling and dropping anything on the floor...

I cuss like a sailor...

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to

I've always had that habit but now, it's much more professional sounding.

Practice does indeed make perfect! :P

in reply to

I took my all-time worst fall last month in supermarket lot. On my left hip, what a bruise and what pain. No one saw me even though people were everywhere. I yelled 'F*CK!' then "I'm FINE I'm FINE". Got up. Drove away. I was spared the embarrassment which i hate worse than pain.

Tinker-Belle profile image
Tinker-Belle in reply to falalalala

Too funny! That’s called falling with style.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to Tinker-Belle


hairbrain4 profile image
hairbrain4 in reply to falalalala

:-) Yep MS can bring out the "best" in us!

in reply to falalalala

Ohhhh yeahhhhhh, 2 years off butts on 1/1/2021. That was huge :) Good work falalala!

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to

Thanks, you too!

in reply to falalalala

I still smoked for 5 years after diagnosis. It's so hard to quit those evil f-ing things.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to

But you did it.

in reply to falalalala

and so did you kiddo! Woooh! :D

carolek572 profile image

I don't think that I gave up anything FindingAnswersMaccy However, I am more mindful of my diet and exercise. I never smoked, partied, or drank to excess. I am pretty much a square. My motto is 'Everything in moderation'. Keep Smiling :-D

in reply to carolek572

well gooooood for YOUUUUUUUUU! lol ;), I have lived like there is no tomorrow most of my days lol

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to

No, not really, Hidden One day, I will just let loose, and when that happens, watch out! :-D

in reply to carolek572

Squares are good, unless trying to put in a round hole

Tinker-Belle profile image

The need to be in charge...

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to Tinker-Belle

No....I am a Type A personality. Always in charge.

TB, struggling with watching my wife and my 18 and 16 year old sons do yeomen's work around our home and I cannot help anymore. Thankful for them though. I go to the store for anything we need and I try to stay out of their way. It is humbling as all hell.

kdali profile image

Toxic people and situations.

Tinker-Belle profile image
Tinker-Belle in reply to kdali

I’m right there with you.

Tulip77 profile image
Tulip77 in reply to kdali


Cutefreckles72 profile image

I don't smoke or consume alcohol and MS got me. I think my MS is genetic.

I do not think you get it from those things....one theory is it starts as Lyme's? i got ticks a ton as a kid. It's genetic for me (aunts on both sides) but if I lived on the equator i probably would not have it bc there are environmental factors too, as far as I have read.

in reply to

Thanks to a new friend on here, I now realize I have had Lhermitte's sign since I was in grade school. I guess the way i explained it to my mom when i was young, she made it seem normal and I just try not to make it happen. Describing an MS symptom can be very hard. It happens infrequently, i swear i went a decade without them then felt them again recently. I am no doctor but I think I got Lyme's when I was like 5 and I've been sick ever since?? I grew up in SE Massachusetts, climbed trees, built forts, rolled in leaves and grass and my mom picked ticks off my head all the time. Always had pine sap in my hair lol. Fun times but that brings the Lymes :/

HensTooth profile image

I gave up SO very many things because of MS!!

Gumdrops and gluten

And jeans that I fit in

Hot couple cuddles and reading what’s written

Late party promises, trampoline springs

These were a few of my favorite things

Clean satin chonies and walking my poodle

Dumbbells and saunas

And pretzels and noodles

Road bikes that fly, looking good in the buff

This was just some of my favorite stuff

Heels and tight dresses and 50-yard dashes

Snowskiing, pantyhose, flan, and fake lashes

Fatty white frosting and claiming top bunk

That was a bunch of my favorite junk

When my chest’s tight

When I drop things

When I'm falling bad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so sad

in reply to HensTooth

HensTooth—-well done 👏—-bravo!

I didn’t have any of that prior...

goatgal profile image
goatgal in reply to HensTooth

Well done! We ought to form a choral group and go on tour!

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to HensTooth

Loved it, will be singing it all day! Great job! Yes let’s form a choir, go on the road with canes, walkers, wheelchairs! But I must be the director, as you would all beg me to stop caterwauling! 😂🤣

hairbrain4 profile image
hairbrain4 in reply to HensTooth

I love that! I will be singing it till I go to sleep tonight!

erash profile image

I gained some humility and some self-kindness and ability to laugh at myself. I guess that means I gave up a little of my perfectionist drive.

pamgarner profile image

i gave up the smoking and my wine before I was diagnosed after 27 years of smoking.i am very glad i did,but every now and then still want a cig.if you do some research on these 2 and ms. it does a body no favors and they are studying the effects if they are part troublemakers in the years before ms and how if effects whether we get it or not.that being said, i try eating healthy but i obviously have an addictive personality so bring on ANYTHING chocolate:)

hairbrain4 profile image
hairbrain4 in reply to pamgarner

I too crave chocolate. I wonder if its a symptom of MS? :-)

leking1 profile image

I didn't give up anything! MS, and age, took a few things along the way, but I didn't give them up willingly!

Ali_B62 profile image

I gave up smoking around 5 years before my diagnosis, quite happily; I didn't enjoy getting bronchitis and I was able to be more active without being out of breath. Recently I learned that smoking is thought to cause worsening of MS symptoms, so I was really pleased that I had made that choice earlier. Alcohol and me don't seem to ever have mixed well. I seem to be extra sensitive to it. I get a hangover the same night - no fun, so I have quite easily been able to give that a miss too. I don't think there's a list of things to avoid - if so, I haven't found it. I think the advice is to have a healthy diet, try to avoid too much stress etc as most people without this would be advised. Also, as lots of others have said everything in moderation.🙂

mrsmike9 profile image

Never smoked and only have 1 frozen margarita on my birthday, if I'm lucky. I don't know that I stopped anything. Started art again and it's even different than anything I'd tried before!

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to mrsmike9

Just thought of one. I gave up my 2 wheeled bike, since I fell of it and broke my arm in 4 places. That's what sent me to the neuro to find out why my legs stopped working for a bit when I was on it. Now I have a recumbent trike which is fun!

MarkUpnorth profile image

Besides giving up all the good stuff, like balance, a 12 hour bladder..., all it really took was eliminating processed food. Really, that's it. No meds, just vitamins. Real food,

hairbrain4 profile image

I gave up smoking. I really didn't need MS to stop but it helped.

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