Just sharing again....: I had an interview... - My MSAA Community

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Just sharing again....

44 Replies

I had an interview today with “help” coming in my apartment to do some chores...

It breaks my heart, to not be able to do some things safely.

I wanna concentrate on my therapy and NOT risk a fall...

Tis a hard pill 💊 to swallow for me right now...

But also feeling blessed too—-to get my disability and to be able to pay for this.

Thanks again ALL 🙏

44 Replies
kdali profile image

Good on you for getting it done!

in reply to kdali

Yes, she’d a few tears yesterday with the therapist and a few with the home-care-aide...

But like Royce said earlier.....

Sad and crying 😢 is okay...but plan for the future, do what I can do now and press on!

(Sorry, Royce...my interpretation)

Thanks again All

Allen5280 profile image

I also choked on that particular pill not long ago myself. The change over to assisted living at home. The best part being is still being able to be at home. Still having some independence helped me to choke that monstrous pill down myself. However today is another big one for me. My drivers license expired today and theres no urgency to fix that because its been over a year since I've been able to. So you have my sympathy on surrender of independent living. Hopefull yours and mine are only temporary, im still fighting to get some I've lost back.


Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to Allen5280

You need to renew drivers license or get a ID card that’s up to date. They don’t except expired drivers license for anything, 401’s, investments, getting in the court house, etc. My buddy just went thru that, thought it had his picture but nope 👎🏽, the bank wouldn’t even except it😡 crazy 😝 c Ken 🐾 🐾

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to Kenu

Thank you for that Ken. I had completly forgotten about having a valid ID. My bank never asks because they know me so well. Kind of hard to forget my blue crutches so i stand out. It wpuld have eventually gotten me in a bind for certian!

in reply to Allen5280

Awe, damn Allen....

I don’t have a “flight certification”...

But have held a CDL for 18 years...

Might not be able to do my regular license...

My prayers 🙏 are with you!

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to

Well my pilots license NEVER expires. Only forfiture or if it is taken due to some kind of wrong doing. I cant get a valid medical certificate and im a decade out of currency. I did let my flifht instructors expire those do have to be renewed. Im a pilot until the day I pass away! Im just inactive so.... thank you for your prayers.

in reply to Allen5280

Ah, dear Allen..

My 18 years of a CDL, are I am sure gone

I am just trying to hold on to my regular license,

Doctor told me no! I will fight it—I won’t put others in danger

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to

Thats why i dont drive either, im afraid i will have another seizure or wven just a bad exasperation epyld be enough to cause a reckless and dangerous situation. It really is hard not being able to get out when i feel up to it. Has driven me even farther into reclusive territory... the irony of driven farther into.... yes intentionally worded! 😂🤣😂

in reply to Allen5280

Thanks Allen...

Just changes and looking at it differently than what it was...

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280 in reply to

You welcome hope your doing ok today

rjoneslaw profile image

U know you can get a caregiver who can come in and do those things and it would be paid for by an agency that provides the services

in reply to rjoneslaw

I am on Medicaid...

I f not, it is $30/hour

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to

When I was on straight medicaid and now that I'm on medicare- medicaid the insurance gave me a care coordinator because I have MS and other illness.

The coordinator helps you navigate through the insurance red tape and help you get services.

My coordinator helped me get a caregiver and other services I needed.

Once you get the caregiver you can have them do certain duties ie cleaning, shopping , and etc

You need to call your insurance and request the coordinator or the service of a caregiver

in reply to rjoneslaw

That sounds great and I have tried.... I will have to try again...

They told me because of the virus 🦠, they weren’t doing that.

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to

wow hopefully u can start the paperwork

agapepilgrim profile image

I would love to have someone come in and totally dust and clean all my furniture. My hubby helps vacuum and laundry and dishes and yard but will not dust. But one time I paid someone and she didn’t do a good job at all, not worth $50. Now I have pneumonia

in reply to agapepilgrim

The ultimate question...

Vacuum first? Or dust first??

Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to

I know what you mean. If you have good vacuum dust first then vacuum and last oil everything👍 Also have to keep furnace filter changed with a decent one. 😉🤗 Ken 🐾 🐾 🇺🇸

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to

Or...don't move anything so you can't see how much has accumulated!

in reply to agapepilgrim

I am not a messy person..,

Just want help so I don’t fall

daveh121 profile image

It’s ok to have help when needed. I agree, hard to accept though.

anaishunter profile image

Change is always hard. Try to focus on what might be good out of it. no falls?

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to anaishunter


janetb1968 profile image

I’m going through the same thing in my house in the U.K. babe. They haven’t come to see me yet but the referral has gone through and it’s just waiting. I’m assuming it’s because of the pandemic xxx

Janet B ❤️

in reply to janetb1968

Good morning janetb1968,

They didn’t have a problem with it yesterday, nor did I. There were no handshakes, elbow bump instead.

janetb1968 profile image

It’s afternoon here in the U.K. honey, it’s 12.36 pm now xxxxx ❤️

greaterexp profile image

I felt so guilty when I accepted my husband's offer of some cleaning help. It felt like he thought I was doing a bad job, but he only wanted to make life easier on me so I'd have energy to do other things like spend better time with him. I felt as though I needed to clean before the cleaning lady showed up! That guilt and the sadness I felt at needing a little help are fading with time. I've been able to can some applesauce and loads of tomatoes because I don't have to choose between cleaning and doing that. I've also had more time for creative things like quilting, which are very rewarding. I understand what you're feeling, but hope you'll find a blessing in there somewhere.

in reply to greaterexp


Thanks for sharing...

I was trying to clean before she arrived.


Neworleanslady profile image

I am thankful for my cognition at least, so i know what has to be done and able to problem solve about how to get it done if I can’t do it.

I got a roomba type vacuum (eufy is the brand i got) and it’s wonderful! I have dogs and i run it every day. Of course i do have all wood type (laminate) floors.

in reply to Neworleanslady

I have seen those on tv...

Probably worth the investment.

Neworleanslady profile image
Neworleanslady in reply to

Absolutely worthit for me!

Neworleanslady profile image
Neworleanslady in reply to

Might I suggest getting one that also mops. Mine only vacuums which is great but I know they have them that also mop and I hate mopping!

Smithnova profile image

Constant adjustments will forever be altering your independence but they will not alter who you are, just how you handle things. This a tough, large, pill to swallow; but looking out for yourself is the priority. Avoiding falling and fear of falling is something I know well. From too many bad falls I have excepted the fact that it is better to ask/take the help/assistance, than to risk making my world more difficult out of stubborn pride; very hard pill to swallow. But you take care of you, protect you; strive to be as strong and normal as you can. Let someone else push the vacuum, it a pain in the butt anyway. Everyone deserves a break from housework.

carolek572 profile image

It's okay to ask for help with your chores that you can no longer do safely, Hidden Put your efforts into activities that you enjoy instead ~ I mean, I wouldn't miss not having to vacuum. :-D

throughtheyears profile image

I know it's hard, but thank God you had the strength and resources to do what's best for you. Good luck and stay blessed.

pamgarner profile image

you are doing great with this .i find one of the hardest things with ms,is how it chips away at our freedoms,alittle bit at a time and when you least expect it,whammo! there goes another.but the things we gain is creativity how to get things done in a different way,touch for me was asking for help,it gave me a perspective i really do need people,i was always independent ,god has YOUR plan and mine:)

in reply to pamgarner

Oh exactly!

Thank you so much!

I so wanna learn my “niche”

I see everything you all do..

Knitting, quilts, bathroom redos...

Gotta be better than bad dad jokes...

pamgarner profile image

please keep telling jokes,they make me smile:)

in reply to pamgarner

Thanks pamgarner...

Just a few falls and recovering...

I will be back with dumb jokes

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to

i decided the last time I fell,the next time I fall i am just going to stay down,hope you get to feeling better

in reply to pamgarner

Why didn't the cat go to the vet? He was feline fine!

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to


Humbrd profile image

Yes, it sucks. When we were well we would have loved for someone to come in and clean for us. Now we just wish we had the energy to do everything for ourselves.

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