Having PPMS, am I at a greater risk of Covid-19?
Having PPMS, am I at a greater risk of C... - My MSAA Community
Having PPMS, am I at a greater risk of Covid-19?

Hi m_TODD_h if you look to the right of your post you will see related posts, you will maybe find your answer there. I have PPMS and I haven’t read any where that we are at any greater risk. I am sure someone will know, maybe carolek572 . I am pleased to hear that you are still working. How’s the depression?, Blessings Jimeka 😊

I would ask your medical professional that question, m_TODD_h My understanding is that with pp’ms’, and my DMT, Ocrevus, I am in the higher risk category, because of my compromised immune system. I take my precautions of washing my hands, don’t touch my face when I am out, wear my mask, and keep my distance. Let us know what your doctor says. Be Safe, and Keep Smiling!
I don't have ppms but I have not read where you are at a great risk; though I am not a doctor so it is best to consult yours. Hope you are doing well.
I too have ppms and am on Ocrevus (just completed 2 full years). I totally agree w/every word from carolek572 on this post. Keep plugging along my friend.

Hi m_TODD_h great question! And you can find Alot of your Covid-19 and MS answers right here. mymsaa.org/covid-19-and-ms-...
u should ask your dr