I’ve been dealing with real bad anxiety and panick attacks since March and it’s been hell and at home I’ve just been going through a lot in general and now my boyfriend broke up with me over a mistake I made and I can’t stop beating myself up over it I feel horrible I feel terrible I feel like I’m such a bad person and I deserve all this I feel like I’m the worst person a live I always hurt people around me and it don’t be my intentions but I love him I don’t wanna move on I can’t move on after a year and 9 months I thought we was really going be forever
Depressed idk what to do : I’ve been... - My MSAA Community
Depressed idk what to do

Hello, Zhiyah1012 . It sounds like you are having a very difficult time. Do you have someone trusted in your life that you can talk to? Do you have access to a counselor/therapist?
This resource is for anyone (in the US) who is in a mental health crisis. Website: suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ They stress that you do NOT need to be thinking of harming yourself ("If you or someone you know is in crisis—whether they are considering suicide or not—please call the toll-free Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.")
-- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255)
I don't want to throw too many options in front of you, because I know that when I have been very depressed it was difficult to think straight. This is another possible resource, though. It offers crisis intervention via text, if that feels more comfortable than a phone call.
"Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor
Free 24/7 support at your fingertips US and Canada: text 741741"
Website: crisistextline.org/topics/d...
I'm sorry you are going through such a tough time. Lilith08 has given you some good resources, and I'm glad you are getting with a counselor. A good counselor can help you sort through all the things you're dealing with. It would be a good idea to talk with your primary care provider to see if some medications can help, too. There are many to choose from now, so you needn't suffer.
You're in my prayers. Please let us know how you're doing.
Please seek a professional to help you regain feeling worthy of being alive. You should focus on you at this particular point and time then maybe you can try to patch things up with your boyfriend later down the road. YOU are number one! I am not a doctor and I don’t want to offer any advice, but I am here if you ever just need somebody to listen. Take care of you!
Zhiyah1012 I'm glad you are going to be getting therapy. I know that after breaking up with a longtime boyfriend years ago, I was a mess. I found a counselor to talk to and it really did help me. Since then, I went to a different counselor and I was able to start on an antidepressant that really helped. It has been switched over the years for various reasons.
You have received great info from others on the group. I wish you well and that you start to feel better soon. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.
Sorry you are going through such a tough time. I'm glad you are getting some therapy, it will do a world of good for you. I was a cosmetology instructor for several years. For some reason a lot of people that seek that profession have very little self-esteem and are very down on themselves. I used to have them look in the mirror everyday before starting class and say "I love you." to themselves. We believe more what we say to ourselves than what we hear from others. After a month or so of them doing that it made such a change in their attitude towards themselves. I'm hoping you will try it. You might feel funny at first but it is worth it! You are worth it!
Aweee thankyou so much that’s so nice I will try it I wanna try a whole bunch of things I hope they will help
First thing first definitely not trying to be conselor Heres a trick try replacing all those negative words with positive words like I'm such a bad person replace it with something more positive with I'm a good person but iam dealing with some really hard things or people dont deserve bad things to happen to them and I do not deserve this and after awhile you will realize you have more to offer you dont have to be so positive you you dont believe what you tell yourself but do believe you can tell yourself something better