That ole chestnut- Depression - My MSAA Community

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That ole chestnut- Depression

Mermaidia11 profile image
14 Replies

I’m severely depressed atm....even though all the shenigans on this site cheer me up; my ms Is going downhill faster than Eddie the eagle.

I can barely walk and my eye sight, speech, waterworks issues and rapidly increasing tremors are driving me nuts and extremely depressing...

I feel like I’m losing my mind and it’s upsetting for my children, my friends and me

I’ve had a look on t’interweb and there seems to be no conclusive evidence of any success with any anti depressant and MS.

I feel I need one urgently-but gastroparesis (a lazy stomach) is a big issue for me - do anti depressants that don’t cause constipation exist?

does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations? I’d be very grateful

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Mermaidia11 profile image
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14 Replies
RoyceNewton profile image

silly question, why are you depressed, what are you depressed about, talk to me.? Spill your guts so to speak. Maybe there are some good thoughts out there.


DM0329 profile image

Boy can I relate to your post. Depression is a common sx of multiple sclerosis and is frequently undertreated. Although I know interferon txs can cause/worsen depression sx, for years I refused anti-depressants (even though I stuck with Avonex tx for years).

Finally, after a few years into Avonex tx and finally seeing a therapist, I finally understood the physical causes of depression, and despite one's best efforts, we can't always "pull ourselves up by our bootstraps." The therapist dx me with agitated depression (depression with anxiety).

At that time, I started on Paxil (but changed due to weight gain) to Effexor XR that I still continue today. Sometimes, just like with MS therapies, it can take a few times to find the right anti-depressant for you.

Simply, I wish you the best with your struggles (MS/Depression) stinks! Sometimes, there's no way around that fact. I'm glad that you're reaching out. Best wishes as you find the right path for you! :)

jimeka profile image

What type of ms do you have and is your neurologist aware of how fast you are progressing? They are the best people who know which type of antidepressant would be best for you. Make sure that you tell them about your stomach. Let us know how you get on, Blessings Jimeka 🤗

greaterexp profile image

I hope that you get help with the depression right away. There are many antidepressants that work just fine in spite of MS, but as DM0329 wrote, it can take a little time to find the right one(s).

I agree with jimeka, too, about making sure your neurologist is informed of the progression you are seeing.

Please get referrals and help.There are some things we have no control over, but there are many we can change with help.

We are all pulling for you and are here for you.

Mermaidia11 profile image

Thank you for reaching out - I’m in a whole world of sh!t to be honest.

Secondary progressive for 7 years, have cerebellum ataxia and possibly MSA.

I’m a 45 year old mother, and former captain of industry and social butterfly, have therefore learned to adapt - but it’s now too much and I need a anti depressant.

I havnt got the dexterity to list all my issues,and nor would I want to on a public forum tbh

I just need a ms friendly anti depressant? But thank you x

Peruzzot profile image

As others have suggested it may take some trial and error to find what works for you. I did attend a conference a few months ago and the neurologist said that MS physically changes our brains and that sometimes is the cause of MS depression that is still not fully appreciated by most doctors but it's getting better. Keep talking to your doctors to find what works best for you. Don't let them brush you off.

bxrmom profile image

There are quite a few ms friendly ms antidepressants, it's just what works for you. There are different types, and I have been on like 3-4 different ones over the years as they stop working for one reason or another. Please ask your Neuro or family doc for an rx. Also, talking to a therapist may help you, I know it had helped me in the past. I always had a standing appt with my therapist until I moved out of state. Talk to your Neuro about your symptoms if you haven't already.

Keep us updated when you can,


Timeflies5 profile image

So sorry your going through this Mermaidia11...I’m one of those who gets frustrated on and off with my new limitations, too...the thought on depression in those afflicted with MS boils down to changes in the brain...causing possible chemical imbalances (neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin)...sometimes a short course of antidepressant medication may be all that it takes...some people fare well with life long treatment...nevertheless, ongoing depression warrants intervention...why suffer when there’s help? There are SSRIs, SNRIs and NDRIs...for example...Wellbutrin is an works a bit differently as it is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor...the thing about Wellbutrin is that it has potential to work on depression, weight loss and may increase has also been known as the “happy, horny, skinny pill!”☺️

But everyone is different, so finding the right fit can take time...common side effects such as dry mouth may diminish in about two weeks...give it a good four to six weeks of faithful, daily use for any antidepressant to reach full therapeutic effects...however, many feel benefits sooner...but in all’s not just about meds...there are other things we may be able to do...ensuring balanced nutrition (protein is excellent for depression) and eating on time daily...some light exercising, such as stretching...some daily and belonging...and for me, I’d be lost without finding our own spirituality is another part of caring for the whole person...

Have courage and use every resource you’ve got to step out into the light! We are all aware of the potential problems with severe, unmanaged depression...for any of may impair our thinking and behaviors...which could jeopardize our personal safety...and that’s what mental health is all about, our thoughts, mood and behavior...I strongly encourage seeking help from the right clinician, which is your neuro or psychological medical doctor of medicine skilled with treating MS compared to a PCP...I also encourage anyone in need to research reputable websites such as NAMI, NIMH which can certainly help...these sites have a ton of info and resources...there’s also and ...feel free to send me a message if you need an ear...finally, you are NOT alone...depression/anxiety is very real...has nothing to do with intellect or inner matter what you decide, we all support YOU!...a good place to start would also be bloodwork to check for things like thyroid or possible infection and a health for constipation...think fiber, fiber, fiber and adequate hydration with every meal...yogurt and Metamucil capsules work for me...hope this helps...God bless us all 🙏🏻💕

mm1527mm profile image

Sorry to hear this. Hoping you can find a medicine that helps you.

Mermaidia11 profile image

Thank you so much to everyone - Like a hug in an email, thank you, you’re all amazing

I would reply individually, but I havnt got the dexterity !

My GP is very good and we have a good relationship, so much so that he is guided by me - I decided to take Prozac, but it didn’t agree with me and I thought there might be something more suitable out there?

I only see my neurologist once a year, and she was more worried about my dramatic weight loss due to the gastroparesis last time I saw her and my doctor then pescribed senna ?!

The lazy stomach (gastroparesis)means that a high fibre diet is out - and it just gives me more issues, so I’m stuck in a rock and a hard place in that regard.

I trained and qualified to be a psychotherapist as well as being a good catholic girl!! So I’ve got on well with cbt, meditation, mindfulness and praying - but now I can’t stand, wee, see, swallow, talk or type very well, feel shocking every day etc it’s grinding me down, and I can’t find my equilibrium any more.

LDN helped a lot for a long time, but it seems to have stopped working .

I’ve gone from 6000 steps, stretches etc to 600 to 60, to six - I just can’t manage much and need to conserve my energy for things like making food and going to the bathroom- it seems at this stage that the more you do, the less you can do ?

Ooh it’s beyond frustrating to be a jelly fish on the floor mentally and physically when u have stuff to do.

I’ll write to my neurologist and see what she says

You can’t beat someone who won’t give up eh? And maybe that’s my problem

Thank you so much for all of the advice - you guys rock!

ahrogers profile image
ahrogers in reply to Mermaidia11

Others have given great advice for the depression.

Ask about Reglan for the gastroparesis if they haven't tried it yet. It gets the stomach to empty where senna is a laxative.

MarkUpnorth profile image

Please, if you have any inkling that you need an anti-depressant, then please, don't give up trying till you find one that is right for you. It took my daughter several years, and she is still perfecting her brain chemistry meds. The neuroscientist who studied her rats' behavior in detail, then gave them different drugs, studied them some more, then sliced their brains and studied them! If that isn't depressing? Squeaky 2 was so......till I sliced her brain to see how the drugs affected her..... My daughter is so smart on this point, that she has gotten others to do studies of what she has found to work best for xyz. Always researching tech papers.... It's often not an easy road to find what will work best for you. And she had depression bad for years! And she doesn't have a M.S. like thing of any kind. Now she's doing well for many years, still on meds, and as she says, always will, at least till she can no longer take them! One of my neurologists had me on, I forget, only because I forget everything these days, but did that for a couple years. Didn't think I needed them, wasn't feeling depressed, just upset about all the m.s. crapola. But was willing to try. I simply got used to the many, many crapola things that m.s. throws your way. I'm no longer unhappy, without any drugs. The drugs didn't make ME happy. Just learned to accept everything m.s. gifts you with. Constipation? Yeah, I go literally once a week now for years. On no drugs, so it's not a medication thing. But when I go! Stand clear! You better have a toilet that can handle it! I've plugged how many! I loose 5 lbs in one sitting! LOL! And I take many horse pills of magnesium for the RLS every day, which works great for the RLS, and is supposed to help with bowel movements too? And roughage, I eat nearly all fruits and veggies. So what's wrong? Yeah, I simply got used to that too. My last colonoscopy was a breeze I was told, after they got the semi's parked up there to move out of the way. Apparently taking advantage of the extra space to park their trucks? I live in a city where parking is always at a premium?

I realize it is very important to keep your mind chemistry right. And am all for it if you need it. I, just choose to go looney. With everything that m.s. throws your way, everyday. It's going to be hard either way. Or, you can simply loose your mind like I did! If anyone finds it, can you tell me where it is?

Oh, and the stomach. You've heard about gut health and M.S.? I never thought about it much, but looking back, I was lost in M.S. Cog Fog for years, till I stopped eating all day, every day, living off of juiced fruits and veggie, which kept me from "turning" everyday, into a turnip. So, yes, diet is really, really important! I don't understand the details, but I do believe gut health and M.S. are related.

Mermaidia11 profile image

@markUpnorth Hello and thank you, you’re funny x your daughter is lucky to have a dad like you.

It seems the drug companies are only interested in DMDS, when an effective anti depressant would be a god send to SPMS people

Ur guts slowing to a stop despite drugs, smoothies, lots of fibre etc is a much under rated problem as well

I’ve spent days researching anti depressants and Luvox seems to be the best one to try, although limited research also indicates clomiprine...the data just isn’t out there grr

“In contrast to a wealth of research into the neurological manifestations of MS, there is a paucity of studies on psychiatric disorders or comorbidity in those patients. This is surprising given that psychopathological signs and symptoms have been well known since MS has first been systematically described by Charcot...”

I’ll see what the neurologist says and take my chances in the meantime (I’ve procured some savitex paste and it’s great for getting me off to sleep FYI Mr vape)

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to respond

God bless all

Many thanks 🙏


mrsmike9 profile image

There are good anti-depressants out there. I'm on three! Between them and talk therapy I've been able to pull myself from the depths. Also what has helped is my art and reading. If you have nothing crafty to do, is there anything else you enjoy? Sometimes you have to force yourself to get going but once into it, it's good. I love to read and watch movies because those get me outside myself and I imagine I'm living someone else's life for a bit. It's a respite anyway!

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