Though I live on a winding, hilly country road, I can't walk along it as I hoped. Most drive too fast...and without shoulders or sidewalks I can't scamper out of the way. So I garden. Not lovely flowers like Jimeka and so many of you, but vegetables. I love flower beds, but Molly is prone to digging them up and getting down to the ground is difficult for me (even with the kneeler), so I've had raised beds built, and also plant in 50 gallon barrels sawed in half. To save the expense and labor involved in filling the beds, a friend suggested a modified technique called Hugel Kultur in which logs and tree branches are piled up, covered with earth, and planted upon. The bed in the foreground shows some exposed log ends as it awaits a vole barrier. The new beds were constructed with hardware cloth bottoms to keep the voles out. Voles can get in between the logs, make their way to the plantings and devour anything they please. And, as I discovered when I was moving/ reusing the compost/soil in that nearest bed, if voles can get in, so can little snakes. I like surprises, but only the pleasant ones! I'll refill that bed after I install a hardware cloth vole barrier above the tops of the logs. The roots may still be nibbled, but at least the crowns of plants will be protected. That's my theory for now... To fill one of the beds (on top of the logs) takes about 13-15 wheelbarrow loads of compost (which I can have delivered in a dump truck...or as my son's British Infant School teacher used to say Tip Up Lorry). I can shovel and trundle about 4 loads of compost a day (3 if it's too warm for me) so none of this happens quickly. But it is my joy to be outside and working as I do. And then there is the pleasure of going out before supper to pull scallions and cut chard or kale for a fritatta or omelet.
What Keeps me Active: Though I live on a... - My MSAA Community
What Keeps me Active

I watch movies and do ms gym, and eat
That looks like an excellent way to do it, even if we were younger. Raised beds are much easier on our backs and knees. I cannot wait to see what you grow! 🥬🥒🍆🌶🥕🥦🍓🧅🌽🧄
Right now, beans are coming up, peas have begun to climb, turnips and beets are slowly growing as are tiny carrot seedlings. We had a run of hot days, so the cabbages bolted (i.e. flowered) but the hens didn't much care. They were glad to get one every morning for a bit. I'm dining on chard, kale, collards, lettuce, arugula and scallions now and ready to set out when the days are steadily warm are tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. And of course there are herbs growing: cilantro, dill, oregano, rosemary, parsley, tarragon, lemon balm and chives. This week's goal is to start basils and get to a hardware store for hardware cloth wire for that readied raised bed because sweet potato slips will soon arrive.
fantastic ...yes it is so nice to be outside no matter what it is ,it is just being outside is good medicine....have a wonderful day ...
What a beautiful and welcome sight! I love your sign, too. My hubby built me some raised beds just like that for our tiny back yard. After having 20 acres to do with as we pleased, it still seems like such a tiny place for gardening, but he hopes to build a couple more raised bed boxes so I can get enough tomatoes to make it worth canning.
greaterexp, At my old home in Salt Lake, I had just a small garden, but started with all “virgin” soil and good compost. I put in about 8 tomato plants, not sure what to expect. At the right time I caged them. They got so big they lifted the cages out of the ground and kept growing! I went out every evening as they ripened and usually came in with no less than 30 tomatoes! This went on for weeks. I had so many to can, and also canned more salsa than we could eat, and we ate a lot! So you will do fine with your beautiful yard and green thumb. Much love, Kelly xx
I can nurture flowers but considering I am a farmers daughter and wife, I cannot grow any vegetables. I get so frustrated with the slugs and snails. Keep enjoying yourself and the outdoors, 🤗
It is a beautiful sight! You are amazing! My utmost admiration to you! Love, Kelly xx

I MISS your inspiring posts so much, goatgal You inspire me to always do my best, and to remind me that IF there's a will, then there IS a way! Thank you for this post, and Keep Smiling
Wow...impressive! 😎👍👍
I wish I had raised beds. Up against out house along the side of the house where people usually plant flowers we have veggies and fruit in the back. The front of our house is for the "pretties" of where there isn't much yet, but we're working on it. But in the back where we have put more of our effort when we're not working inside is quite a few fruit bushes, strawberries and grape vines (against the fence with those) and we put in veggies in between the fruit bushes and around the strawberries. I would love to put in a raised bed along the fence, too. Perhaps in the future. I will try to remember how you said you constructed yours. Sounds like a good way!
You and your husband have done impressive work on your house, tackling much more complicated projects than a raised bed. Mine are simple constructions but high enough to make it easy to garden without kneeling or bending low. Since you have talents and skills that dwarf mine, I know your raised beds will be works of art!