My 4 year old great niece was here visiting this weekend and a friend told her I needed a name for my rollater. I asked her what I should name it. She thought for a minute and said I should name it HAPPY. I laughed and said I like that because then I could tell Uncle Jeff to go get happy.🤣. We all had a good laugh about that but I think it was a very positive idea so now it is named HAPPY.
I named my rollator.: My 4 year old great... - My MSAA Community
I named my rollator.

Great idea!
Laughter is the best medicine! 😎👍
That’s a really good name, it’s even more special because your great niece named it. When I first got a cane , it was green with butterflies so I asked my grandson Harry what I should call it. He was 4 at the time. He said call it Gravity Nanna, because it helps you defeat gravity by not falling down. So I called it Gravity. Children are such gifts, blessings and have a good time with Happy, Jimeka 🤗
Happy is a fitting name because when you’re walking and your legs give out you’re happy your rollator has a seat on it.🤪😁😜.

I love it! 🤗💕🌠
That's a great name.
Congrads I hope Happy treats you well and you avoid many falls
children's thinking is so pure,no wonder we love them so much!
That is absolutely the best name for it! Leave it to a 4 year old to remind us of what we should focus on- being happy no matter what!