The Apple 4 and above have fall indicators! If you fall, your watch will ask you if Siri should call your pre-programmed emergency contact or 911. If you do not respond within 30 seconds, 911 is called. That’s a present I’m getting for myself! Just waiting for Black Friday!
Something to add to your Christmas list! - My MSAA Community
Something to add to your Christmas list!
What a great idea, MaryAZ I might just put that one on my wish list. Thank you
That is so cool! Def want one of those!
Even though I feel a little creepy about most technology, that sounds like a great idea! Thank you for telling everyone about it.
That’s over $800 dollars in the U.K., I had better be good to Santa 😂
Wow! We have really good sales around Thanksgiving. In the US, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 29, is called Black Friday (why? Have no clue!) but they have really awesome sales that day. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t budge too much on their pricing. Good luck!
A good friend wears one. She loves it! It does many other things as well, like track her heart rate and steps walked. Now, if it could only go to the market and cook dinner...
so cool, techo stuff is always coming up with something we need,even though we may not know it yet!
Technology is moving a lot faster than my brain! LOL!
wow i hope this gets out for i had not heard that and that is great....thank you...
I have had the Apple 5 watch for a while now, my wife and children insisted that I buy one for the “fall down App”. It works! It also learns by asking you if you’ve fallen or not and if you need assistance. I bought the model with the cellular feature because I forget my phone a lot. I can still get my share of telemarking and Spam calls. Whew, what a relief.
I recommend it for the MS crowd, it’s pricey, but not getting help when you’ve fallen can be much more expensive in so many ways. I wish the insurance companies would see the benefits and cover some or all of the cost.
Cool! When I started reading I thought you were going to say that it would ask if you fell! Well, duh...I would know!
It's cool that there is something like that which is automatic and not the button, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
there was a news story about it a month ago about man who fell down a cliff and his watch called 911 and they were able to find him. The watch didn't ask if it could call it just did it. He had broken his leg and had a cracked rib