Praying that my doctor can make a strong argument and advocate for me when she has the peer to peer review this afternoon with insurance as they denied my occrevus
Prayers and fingers crossed for peer to ... - My MSAA Community
Prayers and fingers crossed for peer to peer review

Good luck!
Found out today that Aetna finally approved the appeal. First infusion is Tuesday. I hope you hear good news as well!
YES ! So happy for you .
You’re in my prayers. Please let us know how it went.
Let us know the outcome. Here's hoping she convinced them to approve what you need.
they usually do decline you the 1st time, don't give up hope
Prayers for you. I wish insurance companies would stop trying to out think our doctors. They didn't go to medical school so why do they think they know more than the doctor. I know it's actually money & their investors that they really are looking out for but we don't spend money on insurance just to be told no you can't have that treatment or surgery. Sorry for the rant but it really upsets me when you have to go to arbitration to try to get coverage.