My brother and his family were evacuated from their home in Huston this morning. Here is a photo of their ride as they picked up their neighbors.
Thank y'all for your thoughts and prayers - My MSAA Community
Thank y'all for your thoughts and prayers

Allen5280 I'm glad they are safe. I'm sorry for all they have lost. My nephew is in Houston. He said he had to park his car 3 miles away from where he lives. Not sure if he's in an area that will need to get out or not.
So glad they are ok, and hope you are feeling better. We've been watching footage on the news and it's just unbelievable. I've been through a hurricane and flooding years ago (Fran) and wouldn't wish the experience on anyone, it was a nightmare.
Thank you dianekjs , so happy you made it through Fran ok. Hopefully tonight I can finally get a goods night rest so tomorrow should be much better. Sleep, heat and stress are enemies! At least the Temps here have been much more tolerable here as of lately or I would probably be in a really bad way! I know I don't have to explain that!
wow! that's a lot of water. glad they are safe!
Thanks oklaguy , it is alot of water and that was this morning, can't imagine what it probably looks like now. I have seen pictures of Huston with water lapping the overhead highway signs and alligators in the streets! One video of a guy trying to catch a fish in his living room!

Thanks for the updates, blessings that there are many survivors. Incredibly huge storm. My friend's sis in San Antonio is ok and taking in others.
Hope they'll be ok 👍
So glad theyre ok. These earthly possessions can be replaced even though it's. As long as they're safe all else is secondary. Glad you're doing better. Take a break and enjoy a good nights rest my friend. God bless.
Thankful they are safe, Allen5280 . Praying you get a good night's rest. 💕
Allen5280 , I'm relieved to hear they are all right, though I know they have much ahead of them to deal with. I hope and pray your stress level is going down.
Allen5280 That's great news! What a harrowing ordeal.
Prayers for your family
Praise the Lord for His answers to our prayers for your brother, his family and so, so many others! Still praying constantly for the people in harms way, and for those who have lost, and are still losing so much of their lives to this horrendous storm. Glad you can calm down and rest assured that your brother is OK.
I find much peace in reading the Psalms. There are so many words of encouragement and peace to be found there. As Christians, we can claim these words today, even though they were originally written to the nation of Israel.
Allen, I just checked in because I remembered you had family in that area and you lived down there. I am praying for you and your family.
Love ya man!
So good they are safe. Can't imagine what it looks like now. 😯
I am so happy you have been blessed
Allen5280 I'm glad your family is ok. Its horrible what has happened there. A friend of mine had to be rescued by her son-in-law when she was trying to make it to their house. Her house was under mandatory evacuation so she was trying to get from one end of Houston to another to stay with her daughter. She got stuck but luckily her son-in-law was able to come get her.
Great news , thank God you're family's safe Allen5280
Allten5280 We are so saddened by pictures of those rescued, Thankfully, and concerned for their future. Each person is valuable. Thankful for the many are helping evacuate and those helping in the shelters. This is massive. YOur family can rejoice with them.
How frightening! I'm so glad they are safe.
Allen5280 , glad they're safe and sound, and hopefully dry. And I hope that their property is safe enough that they still have a house to go home to.