How many either have or have thought about getting an Upwalker? My nuero put the initial request in to get me one. Which by no shock was denied vy the insurance company. I asked my PCP to handle the appeal. Which he excepted.. With the condition that I go to PT to get more testimony saying why I need it. The therapist agreed. It would definitely help me to stand up straighter along with helping me not to fall when my walker/ rollator runs away from me because I'm not able to stand up straight because I don't have anything to support me. Now I just gotta wait to hear a decision from the insurance company.
Upwalker: How many either have or have... - My MSAA Community

I've seen those, and if needed, that's what I would ask for. Being tall, I already hate leaning over for stuff.
I have no advice, just wanted to say I'm with you on thinking upright is better.
I googled those a couple of months ago and the only place I could find them was over in your country, but they have a heavy price tag. Maybe that’s why your insurance refused it. I asked my OT and she had never heard of them, but like you, I would rather be walking upright than looking down with the rollator. Let us know how you get on, Blessings Jimeka 🍫

The rollator has the propensity to make the user hunch over. I wonder if it can be adjusted so that the handles can be adjusted for a taller person. Even I feel that I am hunched over with a rollator, and I am 5'1" when I stand tall!
Your just short!😂💕 carolek572

I hope you get it dailygrump40 !! 🤗💕
It seems like a great idea. I also see a folding Elenker brand, which is very similar for about half the price on Amazon.
I hope you get approval.
I hope you get it!
It seems better than a rollator to me especially for posture. I have not seen anyone while out & about with one yet but do see plenty of rollators.
I just looked at the price.
The price is probably why you don't see anyone using them. Even if they wanted one, insurance says they're too expensive and no one wants to pay that much out of pocket!
I have the U Step I posted about awhile ago u may like that
U step? Where can I find it? Amazon?
No you have to have script for it.
It was designed for people with Parkinson’s disease and MS
If you go to pt they should have one you can try out.
I will dm you with the dealer who did mine if you want. I’m in Chgo but I’m sure they can tell you who has it where you live
Only 3 dealers in my state of Pa. 2 around Philly other one is in Hershey. I live close to Breezewood which is around 1 1/2 away from the closest 4 hrs from Philly.
Good luck!