This is my youngest cat. He spends most of his time this way. He sleeps this way, following sun spots around the house, he goes down the carpeted stairs this way, and whenever he sees me he goes belly up. Happy kittie!
life is apparently better lived upside down - My MSAA Community
life is apparently better lived upside down

He's gorgeous!
strange I must say
He's so cute & happy😍😃👍🐾🐈🐾Gotta L💗VE OUR FURR-Babies!
It's good he's not a turtle!
Beautiful fur 🐈

Too funny! I guess that he has you trained to give belly rubs!
Cute 😊 Ken 🐾🐾
well, I do not want to brag but....
He is adorable and unique in his own little way.
how very trusting and loving
I absolutely love that picture! Such a beautiful kitty. I wish mine was as secure in her surrounding and with her people as you have described your cat. My rescue cat looks like she was caught in a mist...incomplete colors all greyed out. What is interesting is her response, continuing response, to prior abuse. She came to us with what is assumed to be a broken back which still bothers her some three years later (she walks and plays "normally" but it has affected her digestive tract adversely). Her mood depends on the "state" of her back. Her good moods prevail now but occasionally she bites even while purring and being stroked very gently and slowly. Anything less is not tolerated.
The best cat I ever owned was a Maine Coon. She was beautiful (as I find all cats to be) and she had a personality that was almost human. She was amusing as we never knew where we would find her in this house or what she would be doing and her returned affection was very gratifying to my late husband and to me. She was the most dog-like of all the cats I have ever owned.
In the end if I had only one type of cat and one type of dog to live the rest of my life with, I would choose a old fashioned Siamese cat and a Maltese dog.
Your cat is a cute weirdo!
So cute. Its says something about how good you are with him to feel that secure to just be himself. Hey do you know both of the parents, he may be part bat!
Cute, cute cute!! Maybe if we all did that, we’d feel better. And we would be cute too😃