It takes time everything takes time - My MSAA Community

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It takes time everything takes time

RoyceNewton profile image
10 Replies

It takes time, for most of us with Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) disease progression takes time. It happens that we all progress that is the nature of our disease. Do not fear it. It is like grey hair. At sixteen our locks might be beautiful black blond red and full. We are so proud, but as years go by some thining may occur, hairlines may start to retreat. Not a lot but “YOU” and I notice. Year after year “YOU” can not get your hair to behave like it used to. The body and bounce is just not there like it once was.

Our ms life path is like this. What used to be simple yesterday and “YOU” did not give a second though to, today seems like an impossible chore. No matter what tools “YOU” use no matter what medicine “YOU” take. This is the nature of our condition. I am not sure that it gets easier. Perhaps it does. My knowledge has increased over the years. Without a moments hesitation I will admit to making mistakes. Pushing myself to hard, to fast, to much. I have learnt by watching myself and paying attention as to what I can and can not do. Yesterday I walked up a little hill. No big deal but a month ago I dreaded even trying. Practise practise and more practise I went up in a song (Prince Cream) two minutes or so. I did it and felt that I could have done more. I did not give up I just put my head down and kept moving forward. Perseverance determination and a little bit of pride. Okay a big bit of pride, I did it because I said I could and I did. I think if “YOU” work towards a goal, accept your failures and move through them “YOU” can achieve your gals. Mine was small in the scheme of things. I think it is very likely greater tales of success exist on this website. Maybe smaller ones, but no matter haw small and insignificant they may seem to others these are your successes. Be proud of them, give yourself a pat on the back, store that memory in your achievement vault. Store it there for the day when “YOU” might need to remind yourself that “YOU” can “YOU” do, DO this ms illness that we all have. Every victory may not be yours, but “YOU” do not need that. “YOU” know the prognosis but there is no need to sprint to the future. Do everything that “YOU” can to slow it and keep yourself tall and proud. It is a slippery slope but sticking your heels in and slowing your descent is always fun.


this is your ms life journey, live it your way whatever that may be

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RoyceNewton profile image
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10 Replies
carolek572 profile image

You have described life with or without 'ms'. :-D

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to carolek572


MarkUpnorth profile image

Good for you! Please, don't ever give up. Fight it with all you can! I remember my new Neurologist who came to where I live from running a major city M.S. program at one of the top hospitals....good one?... Well, when I first saw him and he looked at my MRI's I had from my previous Neurologist, another very well known recognized M.S. Neurologist.... I didn't know what to think when he told me my MRI's were the worst he had ever seen! What would you think?... Anyway, I knew they were bad for years... And not getting any better, every time, while on DMT's,... But, then I really crashed,.. went essentially comatose for more than a year. But got out of it by unintentionally by purging myself by limiting what I ate to juicing only, as that was the only way to stay out of the heavy, heavy fog. That same Neurologist later told me about Wahls.... That was the start of good things to come. Now, No drugs whatsoever, except vitamins, and the food. Real food. Okay, a bit of medical cannabis, vaped at night to kill the evening burning feet... But all's getting better! Yes I still have 101 things, but....the food and exercise is helping. Just walking. Started out barely able to walk around the immediate block,... with a cane! And really, really, really had to push myself to do that! Several times I couldn't do that little bit. And literally, really using my cane as well, and I mean not just for balance. My arms have always stayed the strongest. Legs could be jello...

Try it, with all you've got. I, like others, have stopped having relapses altogether! Yes my neurologist has seen that too. He told me. Okay, they think age may have something to do with it, but I know it's the nutrition without all the processing chemicals.....garbage food. Everyday, something. Today I read what thickeners used in processed foods do to you.....

What can it hurt? Try it. "Mikey says you'll like it!"

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to MarkUpnorth

nothing ventured nothing gained

Beckylp54 profile image
Beckylp54 in reply to MarkUpnorth


I TOTALLY agree in everyway. I wish I could put out my story in words so eloquently said as you and RoyceNewton can do! I have been blessed to get up and feel better by never giving up, PT , yoga, DMTs, eating better, intervenious steriods and my Almighty GOD!

I WAS paralized in a wheelchair! Took me years of PT, exercise, eating well , trial and error , determination and the Good Lord to get better at walking and talking ,thinking. This MS disease truely is the pits! But I refuse to let it beat me!!!

I don't always eat nutritiously but have had to and know what good food can Do for your body.

Mental health is SUPER important to living with MS as RoyceNewton has posted about numerous times!

Thank you BOTH for your open honesty and wise words for us all to read.

God's blessings to you Both


RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Beckylp54

Thank you very much

Beckylp54 profile image

Thank YOU RoyceNewton

Again for your wise words and positive influence in living with MS. I truely appreciate your honest imput into life.

God's blessings❤becky

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Beckylp54

very kind of you to say I appreciate it

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to RoyceNewton

Thank you. But Please, Please, Please, eat good unprocessed (no chemicals added) food. Once you can stay away from the toxins 100%, eating healthy, it took me over a year, but I stuck with it believing, but more importantly doing, it finally really started happening. Yes, my favorite vice, which now once or twice a year I will partake in, shame on me, was pizza. Still have a small collection in the downstairs freezer to look at, but don't touch... till they expire and then I can get the willpower to throw them out. BUT, I can still look at them! Then go for .....a piece of fruit or some nuts! Every time I open that freezer, it gives me pleasure to look, but don't touch! Think poison, poison, poison, then move on!

Keep it up, it will get better. When mind and body.... Oh god, I've turned into one of those hippy health freak things? Lol! Hardly I'm still clean cut, no beard, hair's short....

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to MarkUpnorth

ha ha yes willpower and determination are good things. Having a goal is a great help

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