Why do you care, seriously why? Is there a good realistic reason? I do not know them or why they ask or look at me strangely. I do not control there reactions nor do I know or care what they are or what they may have gone through. If somebody ever confronts me all I have to do is ask in my haughtiest (snotty) voice do they have any idea what ms is? I bet they do not and I do not have to tell them unless I want to, and neither do “YOU” A quick, oh no you do not, look it up on your phone and piss off usual suffices. I come at them from a prepared position of strength. I did not allow myself to be a victim or an object of derision. I know me and my capabilities and I do not have to justify myself to anybody unless I want to. That is never to say that I have to be rude, just never a victim or a target of any sort.
Never look at yourself as a victim. Yes, “YOU” have an illness, that is never a reason to let yourself be pushed aside, ignored or pitied, unless that is your plan. Stand up for yourself, assert your wishes. Do not just be a medical guinea pig, use your voice and ask why about everything. Ask questions. As much as possible know an answer before “YOU” ask. This is a strange illness that we have, nobody, know matter what letters they have after there name knows everything and how “YOU” are going to react. Accept this and expect this. Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) is not an open and shut, yes and no illness. That is something that “YOU” and only “YOU” have to come to terms with. I will make one caveat here, Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) does work. Not every medicine for every person, it may take a few tries to find the right one for “YOU”. I have done three, she who must be obeyed has done two. They do not work one hundred percent of the time, but she who must be obeyed has only had one or two relapses in her twenty three years of treatment. I think I have had one or two as well in my twenty years, which is not to say that things have not gone downhill, but they have done it very very slowly and that is always our aim.
Not to be cured, but to get worse as slowly as we can. That is why we exercise, sleep well, limit our stressors and get as much positivity as we can into our lives. Be they books, music, or pictures. Build a fortress of strength around yourself. Rest in it and bathe in the positivity, not all the ugly negativity in our modern lives. Develop positive habits, happy thoughts and beauty. No matter what I say this illness can be painful and embarrassing. Steal yourself against this. Find your own happiness and beauty. It only has to be for “YOU”. “YOU” my friend matter, “YOU” are worth it, “YOU” have value no matter what obstacles “YOU” may encounter, read that again. Now believe it and act like it. This is your life. ms of some sort is part of it, that cannot be changed, what can be is how “YOU” react to it. That power is yours, make it a great power, let it burn brightly and shine. So bright the galaxies dim in the night sky. This can be a very doable condition, it just takes your making a decision to start and never stop “DO”ing it.
Be so strong and make us all be proud of you. Let them sing songs of your strength and courage in the halls of Valhalla, that is a little job for you if you do not know where or what Valhalla is, find out
Did it again, bit long, sorry