Has anyone considered acupuncture?? I received my first treatment on 7/5. I have seen 13 doctors including 12 sessions from a chiropracter, 6 physical therapy, infusions of solumed, 7 MRI's and the list goes on. I have gait issue where I cannot take a step without a walker.
acupuncture: Has anyone considered... - My MSAA Community

Acupuncture has been helpful to me for edema after surgery, headache and pain issues. I have received enormous benefit from specialized PT from a center that specializes in gait issues for people with amputations, stroke, Parkinson's and MS. After 6 weeks of twice weekly sessions, my toes are straighter, my feet more flexible, my stride longer (and more assured), and my balance greatly improved. I am standing straighter and walking with more confidence thanks to the sessions and exercises that I have been given to continue at home. I obtained this help from Lawrence Rehabilitation's Gait Center in Richmond, VA. They may know of some specialists in your region who understand the neurological issues and treat as they do.
I am interested in acupuncture. Is it supposed to help your gait? I am not sure what symptoms it helps improve.
Keep us posted!
I have the same gait issue, and trust me - acupuncture is not going to help that.
I copied and pasted my reply to fieldplanner who wanted to participate in a clinical trial for acupuncture (but no more after my reply):
"I had weekly acupuncture sessions for many years. My neuro's assistant said the only thing it helps with is numbness. Even though it is covered by my insurance in full and is right across the street, I stopped going a couple of months ago. Russians have a good expression for what it was for me - like compresses for the dead. It didn't do anything, it certainly didn't help with numbness. I didn't go for pain management, strictly for MS. I am sure it helps someone with pain management. But when my husband went because his elbow used to hurt before he went, it started hurting again after acupuncture. If you want to try it, remember one thing - it is important: MS patients should not have acupuncture needles anywhere on their head! The acupuncturist will want to put the needles on your face/ears for stress relief and sleep issues and your skull for general circulation. DON'T LET THEM."
Why not on the head?
The article explained it, but I don't remember. It was convincing enough for me at the time.
Sorry acupuncture didn’t work for you
PLEASE Remember what backs up your statement about NO NEEDLES ON HEAD & FACE!!!
Really like to know because I’ve had that done & so far no problem
I don’t like to worry but I do
I had done it a lot of times with no visible problem before I read the article. I found the article somewhere on the Internet and started instructing my acupuncturist to stop doing it. If you search, you should be able to find this article too. I am so past the acupuncture, I won't be able to remember.
IFwczs MSLin I haven't found anything that advises against acupuncture on the head. Here's a link to a brochure about acupuncture from the National MS Society: nationalmssociety.org/Natio... It says that patients have reported improvements in fatigue, depression, anxiety, and bowel and bladder function.