Luckily I didn't have to have surgery but I did get a cast up to my shoulder! I broke both the Ulna & the Radius about an inch from my wrist. The dr said I needed it that high to keep my arm from twisting & moving those bones & I get to wear this for 6 to 8 weeks. So now I can't drive, work in the yard, play my keyboard, sew or crochet. I am a little bummed about not being able to swim since we have a pool. I'm sure I will find more stuff I can't do as time goes on. So far of the everyday things, the only things I can't do are take lids off & close zip bags. I am thankful though that it's my left hand. I am taking this as God's way of telling me to slow down! Since my last Ocrevus infusion I have felt really good & doing a lot of stuff outdoors when it wasn't raining. And quilting & sewing when it was. It's been a long time since I have had the energy to do those things & wanted to do as much as I could while I could. But this is just an obstacle & I've gotten used to obstacles over the past few years & this too shall pass. Have a great week everyone!
Update on my broken arm: Luckily I didn't... - My MSAA Community
Update on my broken arm

Glad to hear No surgery 👍. Yes that’s quite the cast, but I do like the color 😊. Hopefully you heal fast and correctly 🙏😉. Ken 🐾🐾
I hope you heal fast!!! ❤️🌹
This is great news! I hope healing goes well and that you will be back in the pool for the really hot days of August...and water will provide the opportunity to gently bring your arm and shoulder back to full range of motion. How clever of you to have one close to hand!!!!
I'm so glad you didn't have to have surgery, but am sorry about having to deal with the cast for so long. I pray you heal completely and can enjoy the effects of the Ocrevus to the max!
Sorry u have to wear a cast. It is pretty tho. Love purple. God does have his ways of letting us know His will. With a hammer if necessary!
Get well soon and take care of ur self! 💜😘
I hope it heals fast.

Oh hairbrain4 I am so sorry to hear of you broken arm. You have the right attitude ~ this will pass. I broke my leg a couple of years ago, and it seemed to take forever to heal, but it did heal.
Be Strong and Take Care of Yourself,
Sorry to hear about the broken arm, hopefully, it heals quickly and you can get back to your favorite things. Keep us updated when you can.
Great attitude! Those weeks will fly by! So glad you are right handed
I’ve been absent from the forum for a while, the heat really wiped me out. I missed your post about breaking your arm, but I’m glad your recovery will be without surgery. I’ve never broken a bone, so I have no idea what that must be like. I wish you a swift and painless recovery.
Best to you.
Ha! I would kill for that.
I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this and glad there’s no surgery. A friend was in the same type of cast and got a waterproof sleeve from Amazon that allowed her to shower. It was made by Luckybuy 11
and fulfilled by Amazon. I hope it will work for you. Best of luck with healing.
Glad to hear you don't need surgery. Hope you heal quickly.
And you can't clean or do laundry or cook or.....
I wish I could get away with that! But my husband is disabled due to complications after heart survey 7 yrs ago. So far the only things I can't do are take lids off if jars & bottles, the my shoes & turn socks right side out. I even changed the sheets on the bed today. The hard part was putting on the pillow cases.
That is supposed to be tie my shies. Sorry shell check doesn't always work!
Well, poo. I was hoping there was at least a little bit of a good side to this! But no, it's just worse. Perhaps there is someone who can give you a hand? (No pun intended...)
My spell check really was out of whack yesterday! A friend did bring dinner over to us today, which was nice. I'm just going to do what I can & if someone doesn't like it then they can just come & do it themselves. I am going to have my husband cut my hair really short for the summer (he's a hairdresser too) so that its just wash & wear, no styling needed.