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Hello Family! πŸ€—

Fancy1959 profile image
β€’41 Replies

Thank you for your patience! It's Fancy and after a long 6 week recuperation from being in the hospital, I'm finally doing quite a bit better! It seems when I turned the corner, I not only turned the corner but I ran halfway up the hill around the corner! LOL! Due to the high dose steroids they put me on in the hospital and then slowly came down from after I got home I am now dealing with steroid-induced diabetes. Yuck. I needed one more thing like I needed another hole in the head!

But I'm happy to say this was actually a great incentive and I decided to become healthier and get back to a better diet. I have in 6 weeks believe it or not lost 17 lbs. My doctor says my weight had nothing to do with the diabetes it was simply the steroids but I have noticed a difference in overall health and I am still planning on trying to lose another 15 to 20 lbs. I haven't had insulin but once, and that was a very low dose, in the past 10 days so my diet is definitely helping my glucose levels. I noticed the difference just about every single day right now in my strength as it continues to improve. I believe I'm on the right track and I will stay the course and the back in the chat room as much as I can. I've missed everyone and again I thank you for your good wishes, thoughts, and prayers because the combination certainly helped speed up my recovery!

I'm here! I'm back! And I can't wait to speak to everyone to see what's going on in our beloved family! Until we speak take care and know, as I just proved with all the well-wishes behind me, that together we are stronger!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Fancy.πŸ€—πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ‘

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Fancy1959 profile image
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41 Replies
RoseySawyer profile image

I'm so happy for you! 😊 Keep it up! πŸ’ͺ😊🌞❀🌷

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to RoseySawyer

Thank You Rosie for your positive support. I've gotten so much from the chat room you don't know how much it helps. I have to admit when I first went in the hospital I was feeling lower than low. I really left this relapse give me down. It wasn't until the last week that's things really started to turn around. I was weak as a kitten and pretty much helpless for about a month. It was a horrible feeling. I wasn't even supposed to be left home alone and I can tell you that's a first time it's been that bad for me. I still have a long ways to go but at least my strength is returning now and I have hope that it will come back if I have the spirit and fight in me to work toward it. So I'm working hard and praying a lot and looking forward to my next Ocrevus fusion in about 3 weeks. Between that perfect storm I hope to back to full strength before summer is winding down!

greaterexp profile image


Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to greaterexp

Thanks greaterexp! The only thing I can add to that sentiment is DITTO! Fancy.

mrsmike profile image

So happy to hear from you. Glad that your feeling better.

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to mrsmike

It's not a full recovery yet, mrsmike, but I'm well on my way! Thank the dear Lord it's well past time! Thanks for the sentiment and the support! Fancy.

johnMSAA profile image

From everyone at MSAA HQ: welcome back, Ambassador Fancy1959 !

- John, MSAA

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to johnMSAA

There for a while I really wondered if I was going to make it back but as the old saying go you can't keep a good woman down or a good man for that matter! I'm glad to be back thanks for the vote of confidence from everyone at HQ! Fancy.

falalalala profile image

I'm happy you're back and feeling better!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to falalalala

I'm very happy to be back falalalala. I'm still working on the feeling better part but I hope it comes back totally soon! Thanks for the positive support! Fancy.

erash profile image

So glad you are doing better πŸ€—πŸŒˆ

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to erash

Thanks for the positive Vibes that I could feel coming from you for the last few weeks! Fancy.

jimeka profile image

Big question? Did you have a good birthday or were you in hospital? Pleased you are back, Blessings Jimeka πŸ€—

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to jimeka

I have to say jimeka, I never expected to celebrate my 60th birthday feeling like I was 85. It was not a good feeling. So needless to say nothing made me very happy on that day.😯 It's really just the past week that I've started to make a turn around. Here's to the rest of 60 being much better then the day I turned 60!β˜ΊπŸ‘

MarkUpnorth profile image

Welcome back, so glad you're doing better, and deciding to eat your way to healthy. IT CAN BE FUN eating healthy! And there's benefits! Especially for persons like us, with M.S.! However, don't let your steroid induced diabetes continue. With a healthy diet, and your temp meds for diabetes, you can kick it quick. The weight loss does feel great! So why am I gaining? Okay, I'm talking single digits.....all that healthy eating, too much of it! Adding fancy (sorry) dressings and too much fruit, like my salad tonite...."Fruit Salad" Many types of Organic Greens, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Diced Apple, Diced Pear

Strawberry Vinaigrette

Strawberries, honey, sea salt, black pepper, apple cider vinegar, evoo, black poppy seeds

That only starts off the dinner, Grilled Tuna Kebabs With Ginger-Chile Marinade, and Grilled Mushroom Skewers with a Cantaloupe Granita for desert. Yeah...too much good eating! For you, we'd have to work on the menu a bit, because all that fruit is sugar, and sugar is evil if you have diabetes. Strap on that step counter, and start walking girl! Another thing that will make you feel great! Let's see, it's 1:20 pm and I have....8,500 steps....disappointed...better get walking! Don't worry, I take my long walk right before or after dinner. That's good for several thousand steps. Quick, kick that diabetes thing! I've got many delicious spring recipes, and fruit it celebrated in most of them!

More than anything else....WELCOME BACK, Missed You!

Jimeka asked, did you have a good birthday? Well, I got my diagnosis on my birthday, in the hospital! So, even if it wasn't so great, it couldn't have been worse than that! Happy B-day belated, though I thing I already??? Oh. shut up self....Welcome Back!!!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to MarkUpnorth

Okay Mark I have to admit I hate tuna! So you can't impress me then he healthy tuna recipe because as soon as I hear tuna I turn off on that page. I also wish I could still walk but I fight it pretty constantly and have a hard time walking due to the MS attacking my cerebral cortex so hard. My cerebral cortex has atrophied away from the edges of its' compartment a good 25 to 35%. Is it any Wonder why I have such severe balance problems when my center of balance has been attacked so brutually by my MS. That's why I've got a grand plan to start riding again and to actually help and volunteer at the Riding for Hope Center in Lexington Kentucky and work with other disabled adults and children who are turning to horses for a way to cope with their handicaps. I hope to be an adult mentor that other handicap individuals can relate to and take inspiration from when they see a fellow handicapped person riding on a horse and smiling from ear-to-ear and loving every minute of it while working to improve their disabilities from on top of a horse!

As far as my steroid-induced diabetes, my doctor believes it will be a lifelong issue that I will deal with no matter my weight. She believes my weight never has been and never will be a factor in my glucose levels. She thinks my diabetes and high glucose was completely caused by a long-term high-dose steroids I got exposed to and put on at the hospital. Regardless of that I know my health in general will improve if I can drop 30 lb of weight that I have gradually put on over the past two years due to my lack of exercise. Between watching my diet and dropping 17lbs to date I have only had to take insulin once in the past 10 days or so! Hooray!!! After I drop the next 13 pounds or so I'll reassess my goals and see where I'm at.

As I told jimeka, turning 60 was not what I expected it would ever be. I turned 60 but my body was telling me I felt like I was 85. Needless to say on that day nothing made me very happy. I'm glad to say that in the past week I'm really starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I've made some nice advances in my strength and especially in my long-term outlook. Mark, it is so very hard to admit, but I just about gave up and that was so scary. Anyway as I continue to recover I'm so very glad to finally be back. I might be kind of hit-or-miss for the next week or two as I continue to take care of me but know that I am back and I plan to keep working hard to keep this recovery going in the right direction. Thanks for your good wishes and messages because they meant more than you can ever imagine. It's friends and family like I owned the chat room that helped to fuel the fight in me and to keep me on track. Thanks again. You all are some of the best friends anyone could ever wish for! You do more than just simply mouth the words, you all truly understand where we come from and how we fight this dreaded monster we all fight on a day-to-day basis!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Fancy1959

Okay then, no tuna....substitute amberjack? Bet you never had this saltwater prime beef. It is the most delicious steak like fish, that I can't seem to find anywhere except when my world hunter/fisherman friend I've know since college, catches one and gives me some. Chicagoland has have some of the best fish markets anywhere, even better than anything I've found in Florida or Texas!.....And drop the salad, (because of all the fruit),we did last night, and I lost a pound! That Ginger-Chile Marinade is definitely a keeper though! The Granita, yeah, didn't get to that yet either. But already tried it the night before.

Now as far as all that other medical stuff. Yes it's scary. But do like I,... I was told my brain had shrunk so much they might have to come up with some means of holding it securely in place, as it rattles around in my now oversized scull! (The Doctor was joking, but really, same thing.) And, yes, I've had this, and I have that, and that....... I really can't do anything about any of that, but I can eat healthy and it seems to keep me going. I'll keep trying to beat them, one by one! Regarding the walking, before I started caning it 6 years ago, I started using it for a lot more than balance. It was my means of propulsion of my whole right side for much of it. And I had no endurance whatsoever. Having worsened to not more than a zombie, and that's what you get. But, no matter how hard. No matter how many falls. I was determined to push myself, and I did. I still do. But with time, it becomes much easier. You can too. If you need, get PT. I did so on my own, never doing more than walking. That was enough of a challenge. That's really all I do to this day. I just do a lot of it! And I cannot rest till I at least do my 10K/day!

I'm not the type person to feel sorry for myself. And, I also never liked talking to others about my problems. Maybe that's why my family never understood. Sorry, I can't cry about my life to anyone I know. So this site? I hope I'm helping someone, even just a little bit, because I'm so happy with what I have accomplished, "coming back from the dead". You're my age, okay, a few months older, but I don't feel 85, I feel 90 young! I've met 90 year olds with phenomenal strength and endurance. I'm just used to pushing myself, and taking the pain. And some of it has been h e double toothpicks. Burning in h e double toothpicks. I could.........I never took the opioids they said I needed, multiple times. What they did sounded much worse than it was.

Okay, shut up self. Sorry you are having a hard time, but try and reset your mind to overcome anything that is thrown at you. The mind is more powerful than we understand. Convince yourself you can beat it, and that you will do whatever it takes to do so. No, we probably will not beat it, but we can convince ourselves we can. And you know, I'm by no means cured, but I'm not getting worse, and I've actually cured a few symptoms that I was told couldn't be by multiple experts, that I'd have to live with them the rest of my life, and that I should expect worse. As long as we can do something, we must. Giving up is not an option! Like a runner, which I never was, they get a high from running. My room mate from school has run essentially every major marathon in the states, and some outside. He just gave it up because of major body deterioration from running. So he's taking up swimming! And watches his daughter follow in his running footsteps, starting marathons! Yeah.....I'll stick to marathon walking for someone with M.S.! Hey, I never walked so much before the M.S.! Think Positive! Eat Well.

Both Nutritionally, AND Enjoy Fine Cuisine, even on a pitiful budget. Let's see, that meal.......the organic mix of lettuces...Aldi, $6 - 8 dinner plate sized salads, add fruit, all in season, on sale, at $1/container, each makes....a lot...,

the fancy tuna you hate, on sale $6 - 2 servings. The veggies....from the less than perfect produce bin. You should have seen how pretty all those skewers looked, don't forge the 99 cent mini portabella mushrooms! The recipes, from searching the web for the best....then substituting where needed to keep it healthy, eating healthy gourmet on a budget!!! Worth living for that alone! You may not like I be able to do what we used to, but take up cooking! I'm still learning, and loving it!!! My fast food or slap together bag lunches filled with garbage, are over for me! Don't know if you are, but if you are, even if your not, you have to have had one, Happy Mother's Day. Soon, I may not be able to say that anymore? Who knows, saw 2 guys at the mall caring for their newborn,...soon you will just go on-line and order one, conceived to specification in a test tube!?!?

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to MarkUpnorth

Mark, just keep talking about tuna and have to worry about getting hungry and snacking! LOL! My husband snacks Non-Stop. He still slim but he's turned 61 now and it's bound to catch up with him sooner rather than later. Remember even healthy food eaten in excess and head pounds the middle. Over the years my biggest success and keeping my weight in control, at least prior to being totally almost disabled, was portion control. Now I have to do both portion control and watching my carbs and sugars like a hawk but the combination is proving very effective. If I can lose another 10 to 15 pounds I'll be thrilled. So wish me luck stop talking about food all the time because sooner or later you found it on something I just can't wait to Gorge myself on! LOL! Tuna keep talking tuna! LOL! Fancy.πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜„

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Fancy1959

Making Torres De Marisco (shrimp ceviche, cooked shrimp, avacado, scallops, octopus, cucumber and red onion. Then jackfruit crab cakes (Trader Joes - no ingredients I Don't know or Can't pronounce - just add a bit more Obay seasoning!) And a salad...??? Gotta think about what kind to make.

Sorry, no tuna here! No crab either, but the seafood seasoned jackfruit has the taste and texture to pass for crab!

But just for you, we can serve on the tapas dinnerware? We could stand to loose a few too.

kdali profile image

Hooray!! Glad to hear an update from you and that there was a silver lining in all of that. Keep moving forward!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to kdali

kdali, thank you so much for your kind words of support. Sometimes the Silver Lining can feel lost behind storm clouds on the horizon we need to keep digging for them and moving forward. You are indeed a dedicated and special member of the family. I haven't heard any news about possible baby number 2 in the works from you. What have you decided what news do you have about possible expansion of your family. I look forward to your reply. Fancy.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Fancy1959

That’s so true, sometime we are clouded by defeat or the struggle and miss the good. Hindsight is an awesome teacher 🀣

2 is already in progress and I should have the first bit of real news tomorrow after the first ultrasound πŸ₯° Ty for asking! 😘

Jazzihorsecat profile image

πŸ’πŸŒΈπŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸ’πŸŽπŸ’—πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜€Hey Fancy, welcome back & congrats on the diet!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€ We all LπŸ’—VE YA! Keep up good wrk.


Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Jazzihorsecat

Thank you Jazzy for your kind words and the positive support you always offer. Glad to be back and I've missed you all terribly. I think I would have gotten through the gloomy days quicker if I too have got up and gone to the family with my problems but I was sunk too deep in my own mire to dig out for a few weeks. I'm back now and I sure have missed everyone. Until we speak please take care and I hope to speak to you soon. Thanks again. Fancy

rjoneslaw profile image

good to know ur doing well

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to rjoneslaw

At least I'll say I'm heading in the right direction. Sure is a far sight better than where I was. Thanks for your well wishes and I look forward to speaking to you soon. Take care and I'm glad to be back. Fancy.

goatgal profile image

Welcome back! I admire the goals you have set for yourself. They demonstrate your strength, positivity and determination to move forward into your life. As you already know (and have demonstrated here on the forum), in reaching out to share our skills, knowledge and talents with others, we are simultaneously the recipient of many gifts. May the way forward be smooth!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to goatgal

Goatgal, without goals to reach for we tend to become stagnant. At least that's my firm belief. So set your goals. Set your goals high. When I talk to children I always said hi goals for them and it was always extremely effective. If I sat low goals for the students then I got low results out them. On the other end of the spectrum when I set high goals for children then their results were amazingly off the charts. So goes life and I believe our goals should be no different. Set our goals high and you will achieve goals that are out of this world! Reach for the stars and you can touch them. Reach for the dirt and you will wind up, face first kissing it way too often! LOL! Fancy.

pamgarner profile image

Welcome back! You made it through the rain,the sun will be shining going forward.My husband became diabetic after starting chloestrol meds.,dr agrees.He seems to think it is the brand but the only one that works for him,Again patient heal thyself

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to pamgarner

Pam, as of yesterday my doctor officially took me off insulin! She then told me I only had to test my blood glucose levels if I feel bad, I sweat excessively, dizzy or have other bad ill side effects that I'm not used to or seldom see. Yae! No insulin for about 10 days. In the mornings my glucose ran the 130s and in the evening before dinner it ran in the 90s. So we're going to see if I continue with a good diet if I can control my glucose levels with that alone. Of course the added bonus in this diet business is the continuation of my weight loss! I would love to another 10 to 15 lb. As long as I keep my carbs low and my sugar down I know I can do it! Wish me luck. Glad to be back and thanks for the well wishes. Fancy.

Texandyroe profile image

Welcome back! You’ve been in my daily prayers. Such great news that you are doing so well...and sound so well! You have been missed. πŸ’•

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Texandyroe

Thanks Texandyroe. All the well-wishes and prayers must have been heard because I'm bouncing back well at this point! You're too calling to wish me such great sentiments. I feel so lucky to be part of this wonderful family! Fancy.

Peruzzot profile image

Glad you're back and doing better. Keep up the good work on healthy eating and exercise to get the weight down. Less weight to carry around should help you move easier. Just don't forget the bubble wrap suit incase the balance issue makes you fall.

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Peruzzot

Peruzzot, I plan to market a designer line of bubble wrap wardrobe enhancing outfits! LOL! Of course they'll be high-end designer look so we can make big bucks on them. I'll be looking for Creative Minds to help with blueprints and patterns. Interested! LOL! Fancy.

bavery207 profile image

Fancy1959 Welcome back and congrats. on the weight lose. That is not easy to do. Keep up the good work!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to bavery207

Thank you bravery207. It's good to be back! Hopefully I can continue the weight loss or I'll have to deal with my glucose and Insulin again and I don't want to do that! So here's to losing another 10 to 12 pounds! Wish me luck! Fancy.

mrsmike9 profile image

YEAH! So glad you're doing better!!!

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to mrsmike9

Thanks mrs.mike! Your kind words mean alot to me! Talk to you soon. Fancy.

carolek572 profile image

Happy to hear from you, @fancy1959, and continue on your road to recovery! :-D

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to carolek572

Γ‡arol, it's also good to hear from you again. I've missed everybody in the family terribly but that's behind me and I should be back from here on out. Thanks for your kind words and I look forward to talking to you soon. Remember together we are stronger! Fancy.

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to Fancy1959

Yes, Together, We Are All Stronger!

Keep Smiling,

Carole :-D

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