Is it not nice? To read the various techniques that we all have for getting through our many days. Whether we use words to describe our difficulties and frustrations, sit back and be determined to achieve or think of different ways to get done what we want to get done. We find a technique that suits us and that we are happy with. The aim, of course, is to interact with the world from a feeling of strength and power. Never from weakness and as an object of pity.
I was told long ago how my grandmother was so proud of me for getting out there, and facing the world and not locking myself away at Home. My Mother had several comments on my first trip after diagnosis (Dx) to meet she who must be obeyed. How could she let me fly all that way, nearly halfway around the world? I believe she said along the lines, he is an adult he knows what to tell the cabin crew, and he knows how to ask for help if he needs it. I believe when asked I always said, why not I have nothing better to do. At the time I actually did, but the opportunity to travel and chase that woman won out.
Just because "YOU have been Dx'd with a chronic, incurable illness is no reason to turn your back on life. There are adventures to be had, things to learn, riddles to be solved. There is something out there that only "YOU" can do. Do not let the world miss out on your wisdom because "YOU" were scared or did not believe that "YOU" could.
I watched a show last night, "how the universe works". They were talking about the Saturn system, and about all the possibilities there. I wondered if they would take somebody with RRms. Probably not, but what an adventure. I could cope with it being a one-way trip. Just because I have no money and few employable skills is no reason not to dream and imagine. Until volunteers are called for, I am going to do everything I can to stay as fit as I can and be one of those they pick to go. Maybe not to go but maybe for a new treatment program. Believe in yourself and dare to imagine your possibilities.
I will not be held back and neither should YOU