RELAX, calm down Stop and just rest for a moment. I only ask of "YOU" one single itsy bitsy moment. Have "YOU" just been given a diagnose of multiple Sclerosis (ms) in one of its many forms, or "YOU a longterm patient with the world collapsing upon your shoulders. Either way panic is not your friend. Tears are okay, we all have them and they will occur at the most inopportune times throughout our very long ms lives. I do not remember why I cried the last time I did, but I am pretty sure that it made no sense at the time, as it makes no sense now.
My tears do not make me weak; they are just apart of me being me. I do not fear the pain, I do not fear embarrassment. How others perceive me is their decision. I do not control it, and I choose if I want to inform them and give them a greater understanding. It is not my duty; my duty is always to me. To take my next step forward and continue this my ms journey. If my light helps somebody else, that is very good, I have had a worthwhile purpose, if even for one person for one moment. I have value, and that is important. Value is what we all must strive for. Not every moment of every day but one moment of one day.
I have found that if "YOU" can give yourself a purpose once, then "YOU" can do it again and again. It may be something as simple as paying a compliment to somebody for giving "YOU" an injection. My blood test gentleman knows how much I appreciate him and the two ladies that used to inject me with Betaseron\feron know how appreciative I am of them. I have mentioned that I am a true baby when it comes to needles haven't I?
We all have ms in some form. Do not let it destroy "YOU". Use it as a foundation to begin building "YOU" into something greater than "YOU" were before and greater than "YOU" could ever have imagined that "YOU could be.
The Great Pyramids were built one block at a time