It's me again gang Fancy. This challenge revolves around her Hobbies. Do you out whatever Hobbies you enjoy doing and let's share them. Here's one that I've had for decades and decades and in fact my whole family were Rock nuts. Especially when it came to Indian Flint's and Relics. I'm going to shoot you three separate post showing you different displays of Indian artifacts I have. I'm very deeply interested in them as I am an eighth Dakota Sioux. It came down from my dad's side. His grandmother was a full-blooded Dakota Sioux that fled the reservation with her family and moved to Eastern United States. They will nip in Cheviot Ohio just west of Cincinnati Ohio and they change their last name and told everyone they were European immigrants specifically of the Gypsy Clan. The Gypsies in European immigrants were much more accepted back in the late 1800s and early 1900s then the Indians were. So that's a bit about my ancestry in here is ties that I keep strong to it. A lot of these relics actually came from my parents Farm in southern Indiana. They had this awesome 30 acre field that laid close to the Whitewater River and at one point it had to be some type of Indian village as we found so many artifacts in this field over the years. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Fancy.
Hobbies anyone? Big them out and let's s... - My MSAA Community
Hobbies anyone? Big them out and let's share them!

Double fun. Searching for and collecting them is an adventure, and then arranging them to display for all to enjoy is great. You also get the bonus of explaining your heritage!

Nice artifacts and the story that you have told is so interesting! Awesome post and thank you for sharing!
Wow! How nice that you found these things! I collect rocks and I do not know why.LOL
I have found the huge nails that they used to build wooden ships in my yard and some fossils while looking for rocks, but that's about it.
That's cool. My sisters and I used to like hunting for arrow heads when we went camping but they've all been lost again in one move or another.
Love the stories behind your creations
How cool! (Both the display and your story.) I would rather be descended from Native Americans than from a "so called witch" that was hung in Salem during the hysteria. (Rebecca Nurse is my 8th great grandmother.)
Fancy - Beautiful way to display these found treasures! I have a collection of bird's nests that I have found, as well as many bird feathers. I have been waiting for inspiration to come to me as to how to display them! -Elaine