If patience is a virtue you all certainly have many....Muscle went out and after a week than its gone all of a sudden.Do you ever wonder what part will go out next...I just go with it.Seems to be a lesson in it all.I am so thankful for a normal day...normal day.Deciding what normal is....is the question.
Good Morn' my friends...: If patience is a... - My MSAA Community
Good Morn' my friends...

Good morning Jackie, how are you feeling? Still smiling? 🤗
I hope you are ok now.
I laugh 😂 at "Normal". Nothing is ever normal on a day to day with my MS. I hope you are feeling well. 😊❤🌷

jackiesj Nice photo! Yes, I am fearful of what my 'normal' unwantingly (my word) will bring to me. Will my legs give out going down a flight of stairs? Will my eyesight 'blink' out when I am driving? Will my bladder explode at the grocery store? Maybe. But I choose to carefully navigate my 'ms' and hope that I have put enough precautions in place to continue living as close to my 'normal'. My hope for you is that are choosing to do the same.
Keep Smiling,
Several people over the years have told me that i'm not normal. One person even said to me that i had seemed normal until she realized that I and not my husband served in the Army. The harder she tried to dig herself out of that hole, the more she dug herself in and harder of a time I had keeping a straight face. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 😁😁 who needs normal?? Who gets to define what normal is anyway? 😁😂🤣😂😊
And that person who dug themself in so deep, you should have told them that there is a slim chance that with some effort, might grow up to be a potato! I agree with you, why be normal? What is normal? You missed your opportunity to let that person know, that not only you were in the Armed Forces, that you were an MP! Keep Smiling ~ from one weirdo (you know the rest)
At the time we were at a dinner for Warrant Officers. Everyone sitting at the table was either a Warrant Officer, a spouse of a Warrant Officer (she was a spouse and should have known better), or a child of a Warrant Officer. Everyone at the table was staring her down. She thourouly embarrassed herself.😁
She probably couldn't have walked/run out of there fast enough! I am sure that she apologized to you at some point, though. I would have, after taking both of my feet out of my mouth, because you can't walk, let alone, run, like that!
I respect those who run this site...period.Did I say a word on religion on the art work ive put up... like others by the way previously have, buddah, atheist ALL...are equal.MS does not discriminate, nor do I, nor will they.No mention of religion, race, etc.a work of art.Actually looks like my brother who passed away from alpha 1 too young in life.