Diagnosed in 2010 with RRMS. First noticable symptom was in 2008. Which was ON. But I wonder if I've had it longer because, thinking about it I had a bought of PBA in the late 90s early 2000s. My next neuro appt I am gonna let him know that. I'm on Ocrevus. First half dose was in Apri second half was in May. My first full dose is in November. I was on Tysabri but it slowly quit working for me. Depression has also been a fight.i think I need to get in touch with my physiologist to get my medicine adjusted or changed. I was on Zoloft 250mgs a day. He took me off that and put me on amitriptyline and I just had the dose raised to 75mgs and I now experience some off the wall things along with confusion. The other night I awoke in the bathroom and when I got to my bed I didn't recognize my wife. So I slept on the floor beside the bed.
Hello everyone.: Diagnosed in 2010 with... - My MSAA Community
Hello everyone.

Hi, I like your name, I think it probably describes a lot of us on here, I know at the moment I am a challenge to live with. You never know how you are going to feel from one moment to the next. It’s the same with energy, one minute you have loads, next all you want to do is sleep. Anyway, vent away, we all understand. As for amitriptlyn I was given that for pain, but as you say, weird things happen. Get to your doctor and tell him what’s happening and let us know how you get on, blessings Jimeka 🦋
Please see/call your doctor quickly about your medicines! That said, welcome to a great group. We all understand the grump part of MS, as well as the rest of it.
Check out what MSAA can offer to you. They have many resources to help in many ways.

Please dailygrump40 let your medical team know of your recent developments, as soon as possible ~ for your sake and for your wife's sake!
A very warm welcome Home to the MSer Warrior Family Here, & We get that daily grump many times with this M.on.Ster. Ya never know wat it's gonna bring out, but we fight on!!👊✊💪 Def. Talk to all your Doc's about what's goin on. Again welcome! & always remember now your family too!😍👍Blessings--Jazzy🌹💜
Sorry I haven't been on much lately everything is just running together, like one big blur. I placed a call tto the dr about the medicine that's been giving me issues. Just waiting for a call back
Hi fellow MSer I am glad you found us were a good group of people here. I was diagnosed in 2004 but I knew something was not right and so I had to tell the doctor that there was something wrong and so on. But here we are on this site. Remember we are not doctors here but we all have our own stories to tell.
Have a good weekend bye for now.
Hi and Welcome! I hope you get all of what's happening figured out with your doctor. 😊❤🌷