Just curious. . . How many of you experience Fake Flu symptoms? I often experience episodes of a chills, headache, clamminess, sore throat, fatigue... all the signs of oncoming flu, cold, just plain sickness. I have learned it is my body sending me a MS Message - REST!! I go to bed and sleep extreme hours then wake up feeling fine. My mother also has MS and she has the same experiences. Just find it strange how the body reacts...
Fake Flu...: Just curious. . . How many... - My MSAA Community
Fake Flu...
I know if I get too tired or have tried to do too much, I get hot sweats and cold shivers, flu like symptoms. Ms is weird at what it does to us. It throws the whole body clock into a frenzy. Blessings Jimeka 🦋
I haven't experienced the level of symptoms you and your mom have, but I have had that happen and wondered if it was related to MS, especially when no one else in the household has any of the same symptoms.
Yeah,jodigirl, i get that yukky feelings too latley, my headaches start, then fever feeling (on top) of yukky hot-flashes, & just feeeling yukky, icky!😜 I really hate those nites@ nite, i wonder if they're exaserbations or another relapse of our M.onS.ter-rrorist!!? Hmm, prolly cud be. 💐Blessings'--Jazzy🌹💜
I get these symptoms whenever I am on overload. Usually if I've done too much in one day or experiencing any sensory overload. I was wiped out for almost 2 days after attending a 2 day conference that was given over huge movie screens and extremely loud sound system. It took me a while to figure it out in the beginning of my MS journey, but now I realize I just have to go to bed, sleep, and recharge.
This! Yes! As I was only DXED in May this year I too have gone to bed at times thinking "I'm getting ..." Only to wake up the next day feeling OK and whatever "It" was is gone. I concur that "It" is probably my body/brain screaming "We're Tired".
My mother was diagnosed a few years before I was, almost 3 years ago... She used to go to bed in the afternoon feeling like she was getting the crud. She would go to bed and wake up feeling fine. It wasn't until I experienced the exact same symptoms I realized what the culprit was - MS. But now I can manage. Stinks to feel that way and loose so much time, sometimes 14 hours, to sleeping... Usually only a good 45 and I'm good to go! My husband totally gets it and HE will tell me to go to bed when I have that confused look and start slurring a bit. It is what it is!!!
Yep sounds about right also when my sinuses start draining I'll get a sore throat. A mucus drainage pill works good.